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Possible loss of data in multiplayer

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Hi all,

I decided to write this topic here, because I found necessary to say it to You. I am very sorry that This thing Here can happen. BUT. I found this bug 29.7.2002 at 11:45.

I informed BIS that day. THEIR REACTION WAS THAT THIS ISN'T PROBLEM OF RESSISTANCE. THAT THIS CANN'T HAPPEN AGAIN AND I AM THE FIRST, WHO HAS THIS BUG. Well, I tried it again and confirmed that there was this bug.

I want to INFORM you that BIS knew this bug for one year, but did nothing to inform YOU. I am very sorry. I had to inform you sooner sad_o.gif . I knew this bug but I did nothing to protect you. I am sorry.

CYA somewhere


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In that case be proud that you were one of the first to point it out to them smile_o.gif

EDIT: They did inform us, after all you can see the thread you have linked to, can't you?

You have to realise that they can not just start informing people "Oh, some kid from the internet thinks there is a bug, you better watch out", they have to do extensive testing and if they find out that it is indeed a bug, then they will tell people about it, like they did here smile_o.gif

Mind you, it is possible that you are just trying to seek attention, I don't know, but since there is a thread about this bug I think we can close this smile_o.gif

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