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Attaching a camera to a vehicle. ver3 script by sn

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Hi, Red. Still doesn't want to camera target the first vehicle. I will try adjusting the time limit as you specified in the previous mail.

vehiclecamstop = false, is what the default is set to. Just seems if I set a trigger or waypoint and the value is returned false then the camera stop will not activate.

But then at present it moves straight to the second camera. Maybe this script is only meant to be called once and to view another vehicle you have to call a second script and so on.

Thanks again though.

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That would be one option, I tested the script above and it worked fine. Post the whole script you are using please.


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Hi, Red this is the script complete.


setacctime 0.4

0 fadesound 0

titlecut ["Welcome to NAM", "black in", 15]

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal","back"]

;=== Napalm Opening

_cam camSetTarget [70488.81,86222.34,3269.88]

_cam camSetPos [9698.44,6888.14,11.65]

_cam camSetFOV 0.164

_cam camCommit 0


;=== Troops

titlecut ["1967 and 500,000 US Troops are based in South East Asia", "black in", 4]

_cam camSetTarget ap

_cam camSetPos [11103.23,6742.57,1.99]

_cam camSetFOV 0.050

_cam camCommit 0


;=== Boat

titlecut ["The US Navy is heavily involved in Riverine Operations to stem the flow of supplies from North Vietnam to the South", "black in", 4]

_cam camSetTarget pbr3

_cam camSetPos [8798.84,4904.63,2.27]

_cam camSetFOV 0.057

_cam camCommit 0


;=== Tanks

titlecut ["Search and Destroy Missions have replaced the early pitched battles fought against the North Vietnamese and Vietcong","black in", 4]

_cam camSetTarget [6282.03,6123.18,0.00]

_cam camSetPos [6342.76,6043.66,3.29]

_cam camSetFOV 0.250

_cam camCommit 0


;=== huey6

titlecut ["Helicopters form the mainstay of US Military Support,","black in", 5]

_unit = huey6

_offset = [40,40,2]

_timelimit = 0.5


_camoffsetX = (_offset) select 0

_camoffsetY = (_offset) select 1

_camoffsetZ = (_offset) select 2

_camrelative = true

vehiclecamstop = false



_runtime=_runtime + 0.005

_newpos = getpos huey6

? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) +_camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit"

_cam camsetTarget huey6

_cam camsetrelpos [_camoffsetX, _camoffsetY, _camoffsetZ]


_cam camcommit 0

_cam camsetTarget huey6

_cam camcommit 0


? (NOT(vehiclecamstop) AND (alive _unit) AND (_runtime<_timelimit)): goto "loop"

;=== huey7

_unit = huey7

_offset = [40,40,2]

_timelimit = 1


_camoffsetX = (_offset) select 0

_camoffsetY = (_offset) select 1

_camoffsetZ = (_offset) select 2

_camrelative = true

vehiclecamstop = false

_runtime = 0



_runtime=_runtime + 0.005

_newpos = getpos huey7

? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) + _camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit2"

_cam camsetTarget huey7

_cam camsetrelpos [_camoffsetX, _camoffsetY, _camoffsetZ]


_cam camcommit 0

_cam camsetTarget huey7

_cam camcommit 0


? (NOT(vehiclecamstop) AND (alive _unit) AND (_runtime<_timelimit)): goto "loop2"

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

setacctime 0.4

0 fadesound 0

titlecut ["Welcome to NAM", "black in", 15]

_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_cam cameraeffect ["internal","back"]

;=== Napalm Opening

_cam camSetTarget [70488.81,86222.34,3269.88]

_cam camSetPos [9698.44,6888.14,11.65]

_cam camSetFOV 0.164

_cam camCommit 0


;=== Troops

titlecut ["1967 and 500,000 US Troops are based in South East Asia", "black in", 4]

_cam camSetTarget ap

_cam camSetPos [11103.23,6742.57,1.99]

_cam camSetFOV 0.050

_cam camCommit 0


;=== Boat

titlecut ["The US Navy is heavily involved in Riverine Operations to stem the flow of supplies from North Vietnam to the South", "black in", 4]

_cam camSetTarget pbr3

_cam camSetPos [8798.84,4904.63,2.27]

_cam camSetFOV 0.057

_cam camCommit 0


;=== Tanks

titlecut ["Search and Destroy Missions have replaced the early pitched battles fought against the North Vietnamese and Vietcong","black in", 4]

_cam camSetTarget [6282.03,6123.18,0.00]

_cam camSetPos [6342.76,6043.66,3.29]

_cam camSetFOV 0.250

_cam camCommit 0


;=== huey6

titlecut ["Helicopters form the mainstay of US Military Support,","black in", 5]

_unit = huey6

_offset = [40,40,2]

_timelimit = 0.5


_camoffsetX = (_offset) select 0

_camoffsetY = (_offset) select 1

_camoffsetZ = (_offset) select 2

_camrelative = true

vehiclecamstop = false

_runtime = 0



_runtime=_runtime + 0.005

_newpos = getpos huey6

? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) +_camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit"

_cam camsetTarget huey6

_cam camsetrelpos [_camoffsetX, _camoffsetY, _camoffsetZ]


_cam camcommit 0

_cam camsetTarget huey6

_cam camcommit 0


? (NOT(vehiclecamstop) AND (alive _unit) AND (_runtime<_timelimit)): goto "loop"

;=== huey7

_unit = huey7

_offset = [40,40,2]

_timelimit = 1


_camoffsetX = (_offset) select 0

_camoffsetY = (_offset) select 1

_camoffsetZ = (_offset) select 2

_camrelative = true

vehiclecamstop = false

_runtime = 0



_runtime=_runtime + 0.005

_newpos = getpos huey7

? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) + _camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit2"

_cam camsetTarget huey7

_cam camsetrelpos [_camoffsetX, _camoffsetY, _camoffsetZ]


_cam camcommit 0

_cam camsetTarget huey7

_cam camcommit 0


? (NOT(vehiclecamstop) AND (alive _unit) AND (_runtime<_timelimit)): goto "loop2"

If this does not work I will cry sad_o.gif


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Hi Red, seems ok now.

Targets the choppers before moving to the hercules.

_timelimit = 0.5

Thats what it is set to, I have altered this to 0.9 it gives a little more time for the text and the choppers to be viewed.

One thing, what variables will thie field except?

could I put 1.0, or 1 or 0.09. Just want to know how the array should be formed.

And what is the difference between _timelimit and _runtime=(_actualtime-_initialtime)

Thanks again RED>


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You can put any number you want into the _timelimit variable, for example _timelimit = 10 will give you 100 seconds. 0.09 would give you 0.9 seconds.

_timelimit is how long the script will stay in the corresponding loop for, _runtime is the time the script has been running.


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