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Ati radeon issues resolved?

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Hi, I know there have been posts before about it, and countless posts on rage3d, but I'm still wondering if there were any updates, or if it's a moot issue, about the Radeon (catalyst) drivers, and Resistance and Hardware T&L

I'm using Cat 3.4, Dx9,0 and Resistance 1.91.. and I'm still having issues with T&L

here is a pic.. yikes.jpg

I've had worse, but this is the only one I was successful to take a pic of biggrin_o.gif

Essentially, the curruption is mainly on textures, from sky/mood/land/almost everything is sporatically affected. Even the laptop menu is effected occaionally... the Chat dialog, etc...

what you're seeing is one of the two problems i've experienced, the other one is extremly blurry textures (intermittant) but I don't have a pic of that...

so are these issues that are gonna stay, or are they still being looked at? (by you or ati)


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Hi, I know there have been posts before about it, and countless posts on rage3d, but I'm still wondering if there were any updates, or if it's a moot issue, about the Radeon (catalyst) drivers, and Resistance and Hardware T&L

I'm using Cat 3.4, Dx9,0 and Resistance 1.91..  and I'm still having issues with T&L

here is a pic..  yikes.jpg

I've had worse, but this is the only one I was successful to take a pic of biggrin_o.gif

Essentially, the curruption is mainly on textures, from sky/mood/land/almost everything is sporatically affected.  Even the laptop menu is effected occaionally... the Chat dialog, etc...

what you're seeing is one of the two problems i've experienced, the other one is extremly blurry textures (intermittant) but I don't have a pic of that...

so are these issues that are gonna stay, or are they still being looked at? (by you or ati)


i have ati 9700 Dx09 and resistance 1,91 and have never had those problems   i am now using the omega drivers and they work great smile_o.gif

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Woah...not cool crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

Thanks to the great people at ATI I can't even look at a forest in OFP without the fps going to about 5, and the entire game seeming to go into slow motion - mouse moves slowly, the video/sound lag...

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I tend to let oversized pics in troubleshooting slide but please in future abide by the 100kb rule smile_o.gif

What Radeon cards do you both have? I have a 7500 and I had no problems with the Cats or with the Omega drivers (which are my preferred drivers as they're better), my Radeon 9500 arrived today so I'll report if I am still without problem smile_o.gif

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9700pro @ 360/660

I get about 12k 3dmark01 with the settings I run OFP in (4xFSAA 8xAF), so overall performance isn't the issue. It's fixable by disabling AF and FSAA, but I shouldn't have to


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I used the Omega's with my new 9500, AA and AF to the max, no problems smile_o.gif

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I have:

2400+ (running 12x194)


512 XMS3200

Epox 8RDA+

and I wouldn't dare run 6xAA 16xAF because even at 4xAA, 8xAF the framerates are often terrible! What sort of FPS do you get?

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No idea, I don't test for that, if it's smooth to my eyes it's good, I played with low landscape and 2000 distance, I plan to lower the AF and AA as I just wanted to see how pretty it was smile_o.gif

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