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For a mission I am designing....

A trigger is set off by the player, once it is set off I want an AI controlled unit to proceed to their first and only waypoint - not before.

I have little knowledge of syncronisation but have messed around with it a bit. Still can't get things to work. Ive linked the trigger and waypoint together but the unit moves to their waypoint as soon as the mission starts.

Its a random length of time trigger, as the player is free to roam the area so I can't put a time limit to set the AI unit off.

Anyone able to help? (without radio commands wink_o.gif )

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A trigger is set off by the player, once it is set off I want an AI controlled unit to proceed to their first and only waypoint - not before.

You need to insert a "dummy" waypoint close to the initial unit position and synchronize this dummy waypoint with the trigger. Synchronization tells when waypoint is finished, not when it is started.

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Hey Suma dude biggrin_o.gif


If there is ONE waypoint, then you CANNOT have sycronisation for the soldier to wait.

What you do is:

Place the soldier.

Give him a move waypoint RIGHT infront of him, as close as possible.

Then place the second waypoint, which is the one you want him to go to.

Click on "synchronise" then drag a line fron the Flag in the middle of the trigger, to the FIRST waypoint you created, which should be next to the soldier.

And there you have it.

Piss easy. tounge_o.gif

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try clicking the waypoint button then double clicking the AI soldier. This works for me. a waypoint is created right on the AI soldier. with this, the soldier stays in the same spot. This has worked with my missions when i attacked the base and a russian counter attack appeared over the hill!

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That sounds prity kool biggrin_o.gif

The mission I am designing has a trigger set up so that if a certain critera is met masses of enemy troops rush to the player, the mission ends and the player is captured - setcaptive true and surrender animation etc. Its prity kool, needs improvement though.

All for a campaign I'm making biggrin_o.gif

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