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Indestructible c47

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Is it something to do with how it was created?

I had 1 c47 fly over around 30 enemy flak guns and it didn't take any damage, the flak rounds just passed through the aircraft. its not a case of the flak guns missing because i tested them with a cobra, which was shot down way before it reached them - let alone flying past them overhead! sad_o.gif

is there anyway i can allow dammage for the c47? i searched and saw advice for a trigger....would this work here?

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you are using a very old C-47 it is very much out of scale and can ot be shot down or turn coners. At least 2 new ones will come out soon from I1944 and WW2EC so I advise you just wait a few weeks.

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There is a flak script over at ofpec that will damage that C47. It will fire random barrages within an area determined by the user from the C47 (or anything else, for that matter. Makes a nice artillery effect script as well). If you're getting too many units killed by the flak, then enlarge the area within which the flak will fire and reduce the area of the trgger in which the script is activated.

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if u wanna use the old model, try making a waypoint so it blows up over the flak!

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this SetDammage 1.0

(and yes, damage is spelt with a double 'm', my english aint that bad)

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Yeah ive done a similar mission with the anciet C47s, I like to see that people are making 101st airborne drops with the new Inv1944 troops! I just make em blow up just b4 the DZ, so that when u hit the ground u got an on fire C47 flyin very close over ur head and then nailing it into the ground!! biggrin_o.gif also i have the field full with germans and mg42s so all shit breaks lose when ur stick hits the ground!

Cant wait for the new C47, will be an absolute beauty!


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biggrin_o.gif That sounds like a sweet mission!

I thought about killing off the pilot as well, rather than destroying the whole aircraft. So it just falls out the air, sticks can still jump.....if they get to their DZ

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