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Any tools converting bin to cpp

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a while back i was looking for one also but could not find any sad.gif

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Maybe there is more than one program called unpbo, but the unpbo i am using just unpacks pbo files. If there's a config.bin inside the pbo it stays a cofig.bin and doesn't get decrypted to config.cpp. If there is only a config.cpp in the pbo you get a config.cpp naturally.

And all the bin->cpp utilities i could find using the search function do not work correctly, they produce faulty config.cpp files. Just try to rebin them and you will see lots of errors. Diff two of those decrypted config.cpp files and you will see that each utility produces a different config.cpp, each of them incorrect.

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A direct d/l link would be very clear, so we can be sure we are talking about exactly the same program. As i said, i have something called unpbo here too, and it doesn't do it.

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I already have the OFP-Manager (1.02 iirc) and it does not unpack them correctly (check format and signs of floats). I also had PBO Decryptor (version 1.5 though, which has Resistance support but strangely no bin->cpp support anymore). I checked on PBO Decryptor 1.3 and it has bin->cpp support, i haven't been able to check if the extracted files are correct though.

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