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How do you make damaged/destroyed lods?

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I'm nearing the finishing touches on a set of addons that I think ofp has been missing...

I'm having a small problem though... when I shoot and kill this addon you can watch it deform and everything but it doesn't really change much in appearance once its done deforming..

so it means a person or player coming upon it might still think its alive/functional and try and waste ammo shooting at it..or reveal their location....

I know I've heard of people making damaged or destroyed LODs but ive never  seen anyone tell how to do this...

I tried searching but couldn't find anything....

Any help would realllly be appreciated!

If I can get this fixed I can probably post it up in a couple of days for everyone to use with a small demo mission to show how to use it


Bullz smile.gif

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As far as I know, its impossible.

Those other addons are seperate models

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Guest BratZ

Asides from creating a damaged model and swapping upon destruction.

You can make some damaged hidden selections and swap them around at certain damage levels.(my plan for some planes)

But this will also create extra faces and wouldnt be advisable on a high poly model.

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hmm the max (for me) is about 5000..

I normally dont go over 3000 (I build planes)... you can have pretty much.. as long as you use really really good resolution lods...

It depends on what youre making but 90 faces sounds a bit low

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hmm...looks like im going to go the route of making hidden selections biggrin.gif

now i just have to look up the hidden selections and go at it!

Ive got all of my scripting done ... all that is left is just making this damage look and a big read me file for mission makers biggrin.gif

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Sorry I forgot to ask... can hidden selections be applied to things set up as houses???

i know you have to have the class cfgmodels part...

then the cfg vehicles....

in my .cpp I only have the cfg vehicles part?? let me post it...

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


class Securitycam


units[] = {house};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.3;



class CfgVehicles


class All {};

class AllVehicles: All {};

class Land: AllVehicles {};

class Static: Land {};

class Building: Static {};

class NonStrategic: Building {};

class House: NonStrategic {};

class securitycam: house







displayName="Security Camera";





<span id='postcolor'>

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Guest BratZ

Sure as long as it has a cfgvehicles section...This is also the reason why weapons cant have hidden selections

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Thanks bratz!!!  I just saw your reply just a little while ago... I've been experimenting ...and learning how to do the hidden selections bit.... but i can't seem to get it right...

I only have 3 LOD's and each selection is named in each one of them 0.000, Geometry, and FireGeometry

I don't have very much experience at all with .cpp's so im thinking it might be my cfgmodels section... i don't know the correct way for a house model or i guess building model...

I understand the idea and workings of the hidden selections idea...but not a great .cpp person... is there any way you could tell me what might be wrong here??

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


class Securitycamws


units[] = {house};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.3;



class CfgModels


class default {};

class building: default {};

class Securitycamws: building {

sections[]= {   "cover","lens","main","neck", "camera"   };



class CfgVehicles


class All {};

class AllVehicles: All {};

class Land: AllVehicles {};

class Static: Land {};

class Building: Static {};

class NonStrategic: Building {};

class House: NonStrategic {};

class securitycamws: house







displayName="Security Camera Wall Straight";


hiddenselections[] ={"cover","lens","main","neck", "camera"};


};<span id='postcolor'>

where it says building ...i've tried house...even tried weapon to see if i could get it ...but the selections are still there once in the game....  confused.gif

Thanks again for the help!!! Its soooooo close to being done!! well done for a first version for everyone


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Guest BratZ

From what I see they should be invisible upon startup? It looks ok

I wonder if this line may help?

class CfgModels


class default {};

class building: default {};

class Securitycamws: building {

sectionsInherit="Vehicle";  <-----------------------------??

sections[]= {   "cover","lens","main","neck", "camera"   };


Only need selection names in view lods from my experiences,

I would take out hidden selection naming in geometry also

Also make sure that your selections contain one texture

Ex: "cover" only uses cover.paa and doesnt have other textures within the selection

Basically the hidden selection could be considered a texture swap altho it uses other faces

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Hmmm... How did I know you would be the one answering my question biggrin.gif  

Seems like your the Hidden selection master...all that I have looked up on that topic is your posts tellling how to do it  biggrin.gif

I'll get right on that! Yep all of my selections only have one texture file to it! I'll tests it out! Thanks again Bratz

Hopefully I can get it done today and posted up for everyone

here is what ive been working on....it should be in the news section  News site ... operation flashpoint CZ

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Guest BratZ

Well thanx ,I try to share any usefull information that I can find, so just think of the all the useless information I have ,lol.

The hidden selections I encountered because of folding wings on a plane and the trickery I did with the Corsair landing gear as I had no room to just fold it once

So anyone making folding wings has prolly encountered the hidden selections thingy.

You also can look inside my Corsair ,it has folding wings and folding gear both using hidden selections

Not to mention the ACE kill system

But I realize you are using it for a house like object, hope that works, you always could define it as a vehicle if you had to.

I know of soldiers and vehicles using hidden selections,if it works on buildings that would be nice too ( i dont see why not)

Obviously the reason weapons cant have hidden selections is because weapons doesnt need a cfgvehicles and thats where you define the selections.

(I also tried to help someone make hidden selections on a weapon)

I saw your cameras on CZ earlier today and nice work!

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Thanks bratz.... the information pays off most of the time!.

I've been messing with it but its still not working for me

I'm thinking OFP started hating me confused.gif lol

oh well, I think I'm going to make a damaged model and switch them out at the moment. Later for the final versions I'll play with it and might very well have to make it a vehicle class.... now if its a vehicle class i would have the problem with "get in security cams" wouldnt I?

Thanks for the help bratz!!

I'll keep trying!! biggrin.gif

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Guest BratZ

I think you could get rid of the getin tho? Prolly by locking the vehicle (camera)

_this lock true

and maybe even these in cfgvehicles:

getInRadius = 0;




transportSoldier = 0;

Great work Bullzeye , I see your cameras released

Think you can make a bomb camera ? Maybe using the fired eventhandler? I may put one on my Helldiver

But if you made a seperate addon to be used on any bomb, that would be kewler

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I may have to try that vehicle thing! hmmmm.... bomb cams?? Very interesting... ohh i do have a question.. you are working or was working on a ww2 bomber plane? maybe we could set up a bomber postion in the back of the plane and use the dialog for them to target by looking into "sites" or what would be a cam under the plane pointing straight down. then have a button for them to drop the bombs.....

Have the bombing sites with circles showing like equal to 50m radius increments on the ground. Ofcourse the person bombing would have to take in acount the airplane speed and height.... biggrin.gif

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hmm....just a thought here.. if its configured as a vehicle...wouldn't it take a lot of cpu power to setpos the model at the same height through out the game... from my experience all vehicles fall but objects float?

:::::scratching head:::::

would configuring as a machine gun do it? I've seen them float in the air biggrin_o.gif

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