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-mod parameter doesn't work

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I downloaded the Invasion 44 addons and put them in @Invasion44\add0ns in the Flaspoint main folder. Then I put in the shortcut target:

"D:\Juegos\Simuladores\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -mod=@Invasion44

But when I load the game all the addons appears in the mission editor.

How can I achieve only the Invasion 44 addons show up in the editor?


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cant do that, it will still display all ur other addons in the the addons and res/addons folder, at least I think so tounge.gif

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Here's my settup:

I have no unofficial addons in OFP\RES\Addons.

The same is true for OFP\Addons, except for island anim cutscene folders.

All my other addons are broken down into mod folders with names that reflect their categories. For example:







I also have a @Global mod folder, containing very few addons but ones used all over, such as the Editor Addon and the Dynamic Range Soundpack.

When necessary, I create a desktop shortcut that combines these. Example:


This, for example, lets me run winter addon based missions using the Dynanic Range pack, as well as such missions that require the Editor Addon.

Setting it up this way, I only see the addons in these mod folders when using the mission editor.

edit: this also starts up OFP faster and helps reduce memory utilization.

Hope this helps. smile.gif

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Thanks for your answers! I now understand how it works.

And Avon I'm going to imitate your set up if you don't mind wink.gifsmile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (VayHalen @ 18 May 2003,13:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thanks for your answers! I now understand how it works.

And Avon I'm going to imitate your set up if you don't mind  wink.gif  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

US Pat. Pend. No. 78248629


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