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My first script

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ok... i am making a mission, and i decided to make a script that would make it so that if i had no weapon i would ot be shot at. I have not tested it yet, but i am not sure wether to use it in the init.sqs or a seperate one, and even then how to use it. this is the script:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[man1,man2,man3] setcaptive false


?(man1 hasWeapon Objnull):man1 setcaptive true

?(man2 hasWeapon Objnull):man2 setcaptive true

?(man3 hasWeapon Objnull):man3 setcaptive true

[man1,man2,man3] setcaptive false

goto loop1

end<span id='postcolor'>

If you could help that would be great, and it's my first script. Do i use Objnull, or do i have to list every weaon in the mission possible? How would i use variables?



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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;this script is designed to make a man (aka _man1) and two of his men (_man2 and _man3), so

;they are not shot at when they have no weapon.

_man1= _this select 0

_man2= _this select 1

_man3= _this select 2

[_man1,_man2,_man3] setcaptive false


?(_man1 hasWeapon Objnull):_man1 setcaptive true

?(_man2 hasWeapon Objnull):_man2 setcaptive true

?(_man3 hasWeapon Objnull):_man3 setcaptive true

[man1,man2,man3] setcaptive false

goto loop1


<span id='postcolor'>

ok.. i think ive sorted out the variables, but can anyone help me and tell me how i would initate it? thx,


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You mean how to execute the script?

By the looks of it I'd say you put

[name1, name2, name3] exec "scriptname.sqs"

in a triggers / waypoint's 'on activation field'. Where name1, name2 and name3 are the names of the captive units and scriptname is the name of your script.

May I also suggest you put a short delay in the part of the script which you're looping, otherwise it will create lag, if not even end up in crashing the game.

Add a delay by adding this line


where X is the amount of time to wait in seconds.

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so... where do i put the gap? between the bits starting with the question marks, or before the loop or what?



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urm, help... its working except the Objnull part... its wanting a string (i.e. a weapon name) instead of an object (objnull). how do I make it so that with any weapon it works? I dont want to have to list every single weapon in the mision. tia again,


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Instead of objnull

Test like this



? (count (weapon _man1) == 0) : _man1 setcaptive true

If (alive player ) then {goto "loop"}

exit (not end, not usefull at the end of script cause the script goes out when it reaches the last line, exit is used for forcing the end in a condition for example)

and [_man1,_man2] setcaptive false can't work setcaptive works with objects, when you put [] it's an array.

Welcome new scripter smile.gif

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