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Binarize doesn't work

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Sorry, I've lost my way in this new forum...

My problem is: the bin.bat tells me in DOS-mode that "Usage: bin addon_name", and doesn't do anything more. I've done what was told in the readme but I can't make it work. What do I do wrong? (I've tried Colonel_Klink's BinarizeIT" too, the result is the same.)

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check to see if you have accidentaly deleted the binarize folder INSIDE THE BINARIZE FOLDER

the folder contains the BIN folder with the BAT

i did this once by accident due to tiredness.

i re-dl binarize and re-installed it

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No Sir, that doesn't help, but thanks!

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I had the exact same problem, as whilst I have no idea of whether this is a good fix or not, I know it works.

Right click on bin.bat and remove the lines in bold

@echo off

@if "%1"=="" (

echo Usage: bin addon_name

goto :EndOfFile


@rem Model file optimization

rem Cemove current content

rd /s /q Opt\%1

rem Create target directory

mkdir Opt\%1

rem Perform binarization

binarize -textures=Opt -exclude=Opt\exclude.lst %1 Opt\%1

rem Copy all except model and textures

xcopy %1 Opt\%1 /exclude:exclude.txt

rem Note: textures referenced from other addons or pbo files

rem can be found in corresponding Opt subdirectories (like Opt/Data)


Like I said, it works for me, but I don't know how dodgy it is (cause I can't get animated section on buildings to work after this).

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I had the exact same problem, as whilst I have no idea of whether this is a good fix or not, I know it works.

Right click on bin.bat and remove the lines in bold

@echo off

@if "%1"=="" (

echo Usage: bin addon_name

goto :EndOfFile


@rem Model file optimization

rem Cemove current content

rd /s /q Opt\%1

rem Create target directory

mkdir Opt\%1

rem Perform binarization

binarize -textures=Opt -exclude=Opt\exclude.lst %1 Opt\%1

rem Copy all except model and textures

xcopy %1 Opt\%1 /exclude:exclude.txt

rem Note: textures referenced from other addons or pbo files

rem can be found in corresponding Opt subdirectories (like Opt/Data)


Like I said, it works for me, but I don't know how dodgy it is (cause I can't get animated section on buildings to work after this).

just add more yello tounge_o.gif


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