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Tactics, camo and so on

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Can you guys get me some links to plases where they tell you  free (no need for buying a book or somthing like that) how to move silently in a forest, how to camoflage your self in the best way, Assult tactics, CQB tactics how to stay clean(not talking about drugs) in the fieldAnd so on.

All sort of things that will help you survive on a battle field.


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There's a game out called operation flashpoint...


Sorry I couldn' resist.

You might not need to look to the military for those books, hunting manuals might have them. I'm not sure though.

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Hmm, on the internet for free?   I'm sure you could find some, don't know where though.

The internet isn't the best for that sort of information.

If you really want in depth info on that sorts of stuff, you are going to have to go to a book store.  Baldon, or Barnes and Nobles are excellent.  They have tons of in depth info on that sorts of stuff.

But to tell you the truth, if you really want to learn that for real, you are going to have to join the military for real.  That's the only way you're going to learn that type of stuff, and how to execute it all.

Books can give you information that you can learn about.   But you will never really be capable to really use it without real professional real world instuction by a military organization.

But if you just want to read information for reference info, books are the only way you're going to get it, and even then it wont be complete. You will only learn basic simple stuff. Alot of the real world techinques used by miltaries arn't even published. They are only used by miltaries.

I was recently in the book store looking for a cook book when I went to check out the miltary section.

One that caught my eye, and that you would probably like was called something like "SAS survival techniques".

If was very direct and informative, it even told how to evade dogs, how to disable dogs, how to build shelters. How to build a hide in the ground as a trench around the trunk of a tree.

Lots of stuff. But most of all these books and stuff are primarily just aids. They won't tell you all the steps required to do it all. Only the military can teach you all that.

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You can teach yourself most of the stuff you need to know from those military books. You don't need to go into the military to learn how to do this stuff, remember that the military has it's own guidelines and books that can be teached to civvilians though ex soldiers and jut talking to people who know it.

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Sure you can learn the tactics, techniques and everything else involved from books.

But I don't think you can REALLY learn learn them like a professional soldier unless you are professionally trained.

There are just some things that can only be learnt under specifically designed instruction in real life.

Like training your mind, learning to detect enemies, mental preparation, adjusting to stress, things that only a trained eye of a professional can teach a recruit with many hours and weeks of training.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ 01 May 2003,14:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One that caught my eye, and that you would probably like was called something like "SAS survival techniques".<span id='postcolor'>

I have a book called the secrets of the SAS and elite forces.

It telles you how to bild the same things also how to avoide bubby traps and what gear you should carry but not enything about how to move in the forest. I just thort that maby some one would write somthing about this on the internet I remember a swedish site made by a sniper how told somthing about that but it was mostly fore snipers and that aint what I am looking fore but if you know the link please post it. I have tryed to move around in a forest wearing soldier eqwipment and I cant blive how much noise I make Even when I try realy hard to be stil and it is realy anoing hope that sombody knoes somthing.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FSPilot @ 01 May 2003,13:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There's a game out called operation flashpoint...


Sorry I couldn' resist.

You might not need to look to the military for those books, hunting manuals might have them.  I'm not sure though.<span id='postcolor'>

I dident know that I must try it biggrin.gif I dont think it is so easy to sneak up on sombody I reality.


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Yeah, about movement.

That's the part that there isn't really in books. That mostly is learnt in training as that is learnt through being physically guided in the movements during training. There are alot of sublties in it that takes just doing over and over like it's your life.

Talk to an infantry man, he would probably be your best source. But I don't think they are allowed to disclose military procedures such as that.

A book probably wouln't tell you how to go prone, how to crawl, how to sneak around. That is stuff you just learn by intense training until it becomes instinct. join the miltary to learn that.

Stuff on how to build a trap and shelter is more straightforward.

Moving is something professional soldiers spend their time in all that basic combat training mastering.

You can't just pick that up in a book.

Even if one were to describe to you how it is done, you probably wouln't be able to do it right because you just havn't been through the training that hones it down to precice instinct.

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Join the army! or if your too young, the army cadets, it'll teach you all you need to know, and more!

Shelters are piss easy to build with nowt but a poncho, bungees or string, and a tree or 3. You can learn it in 15 minutes.

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I would start by looking at the U.S. Army Field Manuals (FMs), which are available in print as well as Adobe Acrobat format on CD-ROM or for download on the Internet.

There are lots of sites that have some of them, but few if any have a complete list. I'd look over Global Security's list to see if there is anything you are interested in.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mister Frag @ 01 May 2003,23:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I would start by looking at the U.S. Army Field Manuals (FMs), which are available in print as well as Adobe Acrobat format on CD-ROM or for download on the Internet.

There are lots of sites that have some of them, but few if any have a complete list. I'd look over Global Security's list to see if there is anything you are interested in.<span id='postcolor'>

I think they have most of them. Thank you very much that was exactly what what I was looking fore.

Well that should be a start I be back in a year when I am done reading biggrin.gif


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