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Using addons/mods in original campaigns?

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I have browsed the many different fan sites and have found many good addons that I would like to use. The original graphics seem bland now, but the user made ones are excellent! However, I want to use them in the single player games that I play. None of the addons actually affect the campaigns. Is there a way that I can take some of these addons/mods (fatigues, tanks models...) and use them to replace the in-game ones? How would I do this? Can someone walk me through? De-packing data.pbo or something? Which specific models/textures correspond to the originals?

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The addons won't ever affect the game unless you de-pbo the campaign pbo, and edit the missions in the editor. Then you'd have to re-pbo the campaign. I'm not 100% it would totally work but it probably would. If you want to just use the addons, again use the Mission Editor and insert the new units.

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Ok, I guess I can do that with instructions... Replacing them in each individual mission?  There is no default uniform pack for the whole campaign? Specifically, which files would I replace for which addons?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (TheAce314 @ 28 April 2003,05:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmmmm... Replacing them in each individual mission?  There is no default uniform pack for the whole campaign? Specifically, which files would I replace for which addons?<span id='postcolor'>

I suggest you go to OFPEC and start reading up on some elementary mission editing tutorials.

To give yourself a realistic working homework assignment, try takeing just one mission, such as the "Steal The Car" SP mission, and convert it to use BAS' Delta and Ranger units and BAS weapons, instead of OFP's standard NATO units and weapons.

That should give you a taste of what's involved in converting a multi-mission campaign, especially if you want to convert both west and east units, weapons and vehicles.

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I converted some missions from the original campaign but it gets very boring after a while...Now I prefer to make my own missions...

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dude, just go into Flashpoint/Campaigns and DEPBO 1985.pbo, then put all the missions (folders) into Users/Username/Missions, then run OFP, and open the missions that you want to change in the Editor, replace the units n stuff, thajn save it....Than take all the missions that youve changed (Users/Usname/Missions) and put them back into 1985 folder (the one youve DPBOed earlier), than make it into pbo againt (use MakePBO, or StuffPBO) and put it (1985.pbo) back into Flashpoint/Campaigns........

btw, dont forget to make backup copy of 1985.pbo.........

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Ok Pitviper, I have the config.cpp files and all the addons i want. How do I assign the units to the new units in the addon folder now? What object correspodings to what?

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