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Ai thread

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I hate the way AI Choppers crash into each other, makes some mission impossible,

better driving, i hate the way the spin on a road when a groupe of trucks drive

agree so annoying

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the problem is bis make in patch over batch the ai more stupid ;)

install arma 2 vanilla and you will see agood ai !

the make smokewalls, the go in half groups under mg suppresion fire forward.

they used bushes and trees for hide.

and then install the patches and look what the ai make.

it makes less and less with all new patches.

the child is shouting to the performance - this is the biggest problem.

i have a good pc - and for the guys with a good pc - maby bis make a

ai intelligence slider :cool:

seems, AI presently most CPU-hungry party of Arma2 :)

and most interesting/attractive in terms of game-play/replayablity.

not Arma2 graphic, physics , sound, netflow and etc.[in both meanings]

and most unscalable part of it. all AI's rolling on same core. kinda frustrating looking at only 4 cores saturated on 8/12-cores/stream processors :[

my best guess is aside using ICC[heavily tuned GCC by iNtel, used by BIS], main problem lies in approach/mentality. C language, heap, mutexes, semaphores, schedulers and other UNIX-alike crap, along with shared memory nonsense portions , from 1970's, presently dominates software engineers and software developers minds, both for operating system level, appz level and firmware. switching toward message-passing paradigm and languages[Erlang] goes slow and emerging really fast only on HPC market/dataflow.

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The big gripe with the AI i have right now is the engagement distances and spot distances. before in 1.6 and earlier patches, typical range for a firefight was about 250m and beyond with everyone engaging. Doing simple platoon vs platoon fights were very intense and immersive. Now it seems that AI has really difficult time spotting enemies 150m away, sometimes failing to spot units that are in their direct view. Now when I do platoon vs platoon, what ends up happening is units moving really close to each other like in cqb, with short bursts of fire and then silence. Seems to be about the same even with ASR_AI although the behaviour is much better.

I will test with ACE again, I remember the config tweaks for ai was good.

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if you look at units config, you get, why they behave this way.

basically you can alter this.

and/or make seriously more bulky/smart combat AI, not especially slower, just less aware about way more thing[which (suddenly!)help AI's make better decisions ;].

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Observed: AI Wheeled vehicles sometimes crashes into others or world and stop.

AI wheeled vehicles could have:

- An automatic reverter.

- An automatic respawn (on the nearest road ID) if blocked too much second.

- Be in a kind of "NO-CLIP" mode (or just reducing the vehicles "solid box") during travel, except in Behaviours "COMBAT" and "STEALTH".

It would make the game smoother and help the logistic power.

---------- Post added at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:20 ----------

Observed: payload or freight don't affect performance of vehicles.

Expected: payload and freight will affect performance and fuel consumption of vehicles.

Edited by tamp

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Magical ghost trucks isn't a naturally 'expected' aspect of a game.

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Observed: AI air vehicles are too easy to destroy.

Expected: AI air vehicles should have

- A powerful Dogfight mod (Split S, rolling, looping, preventive countermeasures, Lag Pursuit, the Immelman, ...).

- Increased distance of ground attack (proportionally to threats).

- Avoiding AA radius of action.

- "Fire and Forget" style.

- Shooting over buildings where enemy is hiding.

- Use CCIP and CCRP.

Edited by tamp

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