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Waypoint question

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Btw, I always search the forums for answers, which is why I rarely post topics. With that said, I'll continue, as this question has probably been answered but is one of those where you just can't pinpoint with the search function, at least I haven't found what I've been looking for, and this is such a simple problem. What I'd like to know is, what exactly do you type into a trigger or waypoint field to do the following: When a WEST unit enters the field of a trigger, or is detected, the EAST group waiting at a waypoint then is activated, or basically told, to move on to its next waypoint. The radio function isn't what I'm wanting, b/c this EAST group is waiting on the WEST to enter the area specified, and once they are in that area, they then head off to their destination. What are the commands you type to do this?

sad.gif Bet this has been answered hundreds of times, but I just can't find it...

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Situation example

-Create a WEST soldier

-Create a Trigger with Activation "WEST" (and "Present" selected)  in the place you need it

-Create a MOVE waypoint for the WEST soldier that finally arrive inside the Trigger area

-Create an EAST group of soldier

For the leader make a MOVE waypoint , place it where you want this EAST group to wait.

Now select Synchronize in the editor menu (up there) and draw a line to rely the first EAST waypoint and the Trigger

-Create a second MOVE for the EAST group to the place you want this group to move after the WEST soldier enter the trigger area

Now test the mission (put yourself as a simple soldier in the EAST group, not the leader) and see what happen

Your leader will order your squad to go to a specific location (the first waypoint) , then you will wait.

After some seconds or minutes (time for the west soldier to enter the trigger area) , your leader will tell everyone to move to another specific location (the second waypoint)

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Thanks, I tried the synch b4, but my testing was incomplete....I forgot to put the next waypoint tounge.gif stewpid me.

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Often , it is a small and simple detail that can block us lot of time wink.gif

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