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Speeding up a convoy?...

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My convoy seems to stop for a time at every way point, very anoying...seeing as this convoy is supposed to be rushing re-inforcements to the battle field they need to get the lead out...

How can i make them "hawl ass"?

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give it a single wp so it won't stop and put the speed on the highest setting


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well that kinda works....but i did want then to stay on the road smile.gif

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set their behaviour to safe and they wont leave the road, also set there speed to full

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Puke m8 try this.

Create a game logic unit and call it wp1 and place it at the destination where you want the convoy to go to on the road.

In the init box of the vehicle put this:

this domove getpos wp1

the unit will then move to the game logic marker and keep to the road smoothly.

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Check out the Kelly's intro and you will see it in action, its on the server.

BTW the only prob I get with this is they seem to ignore behaviour settings but I'm looking into that. ( LOL getting a lot of AI road kills)

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