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How does ofp performe online...

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I haven't played OFP online for a couple of time ( >1 year).

Then, it was very hard to play online because of lags and especially because the whole netcode was based upon directplay, causing some strange behaviour during the game.

At least, this was the opinion of the community's vast majority...

My question is, what is the situation now (OFP:R - 1.91 final)?

With how many players can you play online without having problems? How complex may the missions be? Should the number of vehicles not exceed a certain limit, in order to allow stable game-play?

What is your opinion?



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Online gaming got much better with resistance (1.75) and the sockets netcode. We think we noticed another improvement when going from 1.85 to 1.90 on our server, but not from 1.90 to 1.91. The first impression after updating the server to 1.91 was really good, but it ran "normally" (ie as with 1.90 before) after the first few maps. I still wonder what was different then, cause #monitor showed only a tiny amount of memory being used and even sebnam maps ran quite well. The downside of the sockets netcode is that the ingame voicecom doesn't work with it and no external voicecom can compete with the channel management of the internal vc sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (benu @ Mar. 26 2003,14:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">[...]

The downside of the sockets netcode is that the ingame voicecom doesn't work with it and no external voicecom can compete with the channel management of the internal vc sad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

yes right, but I think the netcode of directplay is too bad, that

I would give the good netcode in return for that voice-com. smile.gif


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CTI is a good example of a map with pretty much stuff on it.

You can play with 40 vehicles, 18 players and 50+ AIs with no serious lagg on good servers.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bionicman @ Mar. 26 2003,12:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hi,

I haven't played OFP online for a couple of time ( >1 year).

Then, it was very hard to play online because of lags and especially because the whole netcode was based upon directplay, causing some strange behaviour during the game.

At least, this was the opinion of the community's vast majority...<span id='postcolor'>

The sockets netcode rocks biggrin.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My question is, what is the situation now (OFP:R - 1.91 final)?

With how many players can you play online without having problems? <span id='postcolor'>

They set a record of over 100 people on a OFP-R server earlier this year. You can have CTF's with up to 36 people even with vehicles and even the most complex of coop missions with many AI squads and still have 24 people.

The Game is that LAG FREE that simpilar missions can have maps with the view distance increased from the default 900M, to as much as 2000M if all the clients are capable, with some scripting. This means the AI respond a lot better and enagage you soon. It also helps that the hardware is much more powerful and cheaper than a year ago. So I'm saying what i know with my 2.2Ghz Linux Server with 1024DDR and sat on a backbone connection in the UK.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

How complex may the missions be? Should the number of vehicles not exceed a certain limit, in order to allow stable game-play?

What is your opinion?


bionicman<span id='postcolor'>

If the hardware is up to it the gameplay is fine, if your playing on 1GHz servers on T1 lines then you are more limited in what you can do, if your hosting a game and people are joining the netplay is fine but the host needs an very fast CPU to have little loss in performance, clients rarely suffer.

PS there are now so many great unoffical addons out there which have greatly increased the varity of missions, this applies more towards coop which is what i play.

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hello all smile.gif

on our Server we have played up to 60 Players and it was working fine if you use Maps without Vehicles....they max on our Server was incl Vehicles 40 PLAYERS without any LAGGS biggrin.gif

we use a MultiCPU server with 4 Intel XEons 2,533 and 2048 Ram on a 2 GB optical Fibre connection....


visit us on IP: no pass

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