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A note to all modmakers, something you

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I am working on a plane, and I had some scripts that rely

on animationphase to activate / deactive scripts and

add actions in the cpp file. What I noticed is that OFP had

a hard time reading the animation phase of certain anims,

but eventually i figured it out. In order for animation phase

to be read, you must be in the same 'view' as the animated

parts. So if you are in the 'pilot view' part of the model, it

can't read the animations on the external model. If you are

in external view, it can't read any animations that are going

on in the pilot view. The strange thing is that this is true even

if you are not inside the plane! If you are near a plane, and

are using 1st person view, then animationphase can read

anims in the cockpit, as well as external ones. If you are

in external view then it can't read cockpit anims. This is true

for any vehicles and all thier views I assume, as it would be

odd for this to only affect plane class. Anyways, there is

a simple work-around of putting all animated parts in all

the views smile.gif Anys I hope this helps someone as it gave me

quite a headache!

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I never used scripts that checked an animation phase, but this is great information for the future. Thanks for sharing.

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