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Thank you a million times ;)

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I haven't had the chance to take a closer look yet but thank you anyways BI! I've been praying for the release of the reference ... no more try-and-error-parameter-evaluation and "there must be some kind of function to handle this"-thoughts smile.gif

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theres loads of stuff that people were making external scripts for in there:), makes editing a lot easier

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Yah for some reason my browser won't display it properly. I seem to get the top frame okay, but the bottom two frames appear as empty. Even when I click on the links in the top frame, nothing happens. This happens on the www.flashpoint1985.com and on the downloadable version. I'm running Netscape 6.1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.2) Gecko/20010726 Netscape6/6.1. Everything's enable.

Any idears?

UPDATE: IE doesn't have a problem with it. *Sigh* the devil wins again...

(Edited by Oversoul at 3:41 pm on Nov. 14, 2001)

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I just went to the official site (ftp://www.flashpoint1985.com/doc/briefings.zip

BUT: I can't see a thing. Neither Opera 5.12 nor Mozilla 0.9.5 works. After all that word document s**t with the inofficial docus... Why don't you use pdf? Can someone please convert it for me? Else i'll try at work tomorrow...

(Edited by benu at 12:46 am on Nov. 15, 2001)

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This is great!

But i think theres someting missing, what about complete list of unit-, and Vehicleweapons and -ammo and a list of aviable actions, of aviable moves and of course the weapon and object class trees!

I thought about something like this:


The bad thig ou this one is that it isn't official and so somme functions are just guessed or "buggy"!

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Actually I was looking forward to some kind of Object Reference too ... because how should I know about valid parameters to functions like action or playMove (besides of reading those unofficial but actually close to the official reference)...

Though I'm pleased at last because the official reference did reveal at least two important things:

Additional modes to the helicopter command Land (I was desperately trying to find a sane way to let helicopters hover in low altitude or wait on the ground with running engines to pick up troops) and the switchCamera "Gunner"- command in order to include e.g. a sniper-view in a cutscene... so thanks again ... but don't let us down now and please expand this reference wink.gif

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