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the editing man

German ww2 artillery

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Allies In Arms released several new different addons of German WW2 artillery, such as Nebelwerfer, SFH18 Howitzer and Karl heavy mortar. Look at this site for download

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The zip of "Karl" doesnt work!

Can't Open it and the other downloads doesn't work Ë› mad.gif

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hi, Could someone please e-mail me the nebelwerfer add-on. I keep trying and the site keeps rejecting or disconnecting me. I am geeting frustrated. Justbeasier to e-mail if someone has it. Thanks. E-mail at dsawan@earthlink.net

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i got the karl to work just fine, but i found a tiny bug....well 2...

1: u cant destory it with RPgs, RPGs and bullets go right thru it.


B: IT BOUNCES!!! LOL i fired a round in the middel of a town, and flped it on its side, i got out, and i turned around..it disapered  confused.gif  and i heard this faint sound of a tank rolling full speed toward me....and next thing i know from 1000m up comes "thor"....i immiatly ran for cover in the nearest house....it landed on that house and destroyed it, so i ran for the next house. and it landed there, so i ran for the GMC "jimmy" truck with mgun and got the hell out of there, pulled ot a safe distance and watched the fun, it destoryed half the town b4 coming ot rest on a 2 floor house's roof




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Yep, opened it up and same as his last offering, no fire geo, no weight on the geo LOD, <sigh> ah well, it can be fixed, but

aside from it's historical minute value, is there a reason to fix it?

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I can't download the thing the first link gives me this

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /usr/home/angelsofchaos/public_html/pnadodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 121

mysql://angelsofchaos:@localhost/angelsofchaos failed to connectToo many connections

And the the other link by info just gives me the newfer one is that the one I need?

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