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Drop uniform, vest and backpack not showing in Inventory Ground list

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Drop uniform, vest and backpack not showing in Inventory - Ground list


the Uniform, vest and backpack are not showing in the Inventory - Ground List.


to view the Uniform or Vest or Backpack in inventory, you need to target it specifically.


need help.



if you equip the Uniform, vest , backpack from the dead,

then drop them on the ground,

all of them will show in the Inventory -Ground List.


        //target dead body
		_dude = cursorTarget;
                _ibox = "GroundWeaponHolder";
                sleep .5;

		//drop uniform, vest, backpack on ground

		//UNIFORM =================================================================================
                //get units container type you want to drop
                    _uniformcontainer = uniform _dude;
            if (!(_uniformcontainer isEqualTo "") || !(isNil "_uniformcontainer")) then
                //create a weaponHolder at the units position
                    //_holder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", getPosATL _dudenewPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
                    _uniformholder = createVehicle [_ibox, _dude modelToWorld [0,0.8,0], [], 0.1, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; 
                    _uniformholder disableCollisionWith _dude;
                    //_uniformholder setPos [(getPos _uniformholder select 0),(getPos _uniformholder select 1),0.01]; 
                    //_uniformholder setDir round(random 360); // random direction of weapon holder

                //add it to the holder
                    _uniformholder addItemCargoGlobal [_uniformcontainer, 1];
                //use everyContianer on the holder to get a reference to the container
                    _uniformdroppedContainer = (((everyContainer _uniformholder) select 0) select 1);
                //iterate through units container e.g uniformItems
                //add each one to the reference
                    _uniformdroppedContainer addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
                }forEach (uniformItems _dude);
                //remove the unit container
                    removeUniform _dude;
            sleep .5;
                //get units container type you want to drop
                    _vestcontainer = vest _dude;
            if (!(_vestcontainer isEqualTo "") || !(isNil "_vestcontainer")) then
                //create a weaponHolder at the units position
                    //_holder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", getPosATL _dudenewPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
                    _vestholder = createVehicle [_ibox, _dude modelToWorld [0,0.8,0], [], 0.2, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
                    _vestholder disableCollisionWith _dude;
                    //_vestholder setPos [(getPos _vestholder select 0),(getPos _vestholder select 1),0.02];
                    //_vestholder setDir round(random 360); // random direction of weapon holder

                //add it to the holder
                    _vestholder addItemCargoGlobal [_vestcontainer, 1];
                //use everyContianer on the holder to get a reference to the container
                    _vestdroppedContainer = (((everyContainer _vestholder) select 0) select 1);
                //iterate through units container e.g uniformItems
                //add each one to the reference
                    _vestdroppedContainer addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
                }forEach (vestItems _dude);
                //remove the unit container
                    removevest _dude;
            sleep .5;
                //get units container type you want to drop
                    _backpackcontainer = backpack _dude;
            if (!(_backpackcontainer isEqualTo "") || !(isNil "_backpackcontainer")) then
                //create a weaponHolder at the units position
                    //_holder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", getPosATL _dudenewPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
                    _backpackholder = createVehicle [_ibox, _dude modelToWorld [0,0.8,0], [], 0.3, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
                    _backpackholder disableCollisionWith _dude;
                    //_backpackholder setPos [(getPos _backpackholder select 0),(getPos _backpackholder select 1),0.03];
                    //_backpackholder setDir round(random 360); // random direction of weapon holder

                //add it to the holder
                    _backpackholder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_backpackcontainer, 1];
                //use everyContianer on the holder to get a reference to the container
                    _backpackdroppedContainer = (((everyContainer _backpackholder) select 0) select 1);
                //iterate through units container e.g uniformItems
                //add each one to the reference
                    _backpackdroppedContainer addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
                }forEach (backpackItems _dude);
                //remove the unit container
                    removebackpack _dude;                    





Thank you to OP,

Orig Code from



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