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Help with Assigning new placed units to zeus

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Hi guys, I have been trying to make a script to spawn a group of units at a said location and have them assigned to the zeus which is the player. I am not getting any visible error messages when i run the script but i am not able to edit the objects as zeus after they spawn. Here is the script i have written, everythings working but for the problem mentioned above. 

if (supplyPoints >= 20) then
hint "You deployed an Infantry Section";
group_1 = createGroup west;
unitTypes = [

    _unit = group_1 createUnit [_x, getMarkerPos "infbarracks", [], 0, "NONE"];
} forEach unitTypes;
editmodule_1 addCuratorEditableObjects ["group_1", true];
supplyPoints = supplyPoints - 20;
sleep 3;
hintSilent format ["Supply Points: %1", supplyPoints];
else {hint "You do not have enough supply points!";}

and this is my init.sqf

supplyPoints = 100;

I dont have any other files 


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