Vadym Mazur 5 Posted October 16, 2023 Hi everyone, I found a mod "Simple MapTools" in the workshop and would like to add it to the server. I try to add this code to initPlayerLocal, but nothing happens. Spoiler _this spawn { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51)} ; _map = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ; addMissionEventHandler ["Map",{ _disp = (findDisplay 12) ; _map = (_disp displayCtrl 51) ; { if (ctrlIDC _x in [20001,20002,10001,10002]) then {_x ctrlShow false} ; } forEach allControls _disp ; for "_i" from 0 to 100 do { (_disp displayCtrl (30000 + _i)) ctrlShow false ; (_disp displayCtrl (40000 + _i)) ctrlShow false ; } ; if !(_this#0) then { { _map ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["Draw",_x] ; } forEach (uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",[]]) ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",[]] ; { ctrlDelete _x ; } forEach (uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_GraphCtrls",[]]) ; } ; }] ; _map ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonClick",{ _map = _this#0 ; if (_this#1 == 1) then { { _map ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["Draw",_x] ; } forEach (uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",[]]) ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",[]] ; _disp = (findDisplay 12) ; { if (ctrlIDC _x in [20001,20002,10001,10002]) then {_x ctrlShow false} ; } forEach allControls _disp ; for "_i" from 0 to 100 do { (_disp displayCtrl (30000 + _i)) ctrlShow false ; (_disp displayCtrl (40000 + _i)) ctrlShow false ; } ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_mode",false] ; if (_this#5) then { _disp = (findDisplay 12) createDisplay "PLP_MapTools_MainDisplay" ; _ctrl = _disp displayCtrl 999 ; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.2] ; _pos = getMousePosition ; _posReal = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld _pos ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_pos",_pos] ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_posReal",_posReal] ; _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown",{ ctrlParent (_this#0) closeDisplay 0 ; }] ; { _ctrlPos = [] + _pos ; _ctrl = _disp ctrlCreate ["RscButton",-1] ; _ctrlPos set [0,_pos#0 + pixelW*5] ; _ctrlPos set [1,_pos#1 + pixelH*5] ; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition (_ctrlPos + [0.15,0.05]) ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; _ctrlPos set [1,_ctrlPos#1 + (0.05 * _forEachIndex + pixelH*5*_forEachIndex)] ; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition (_ctrlPos) ; _ctrl ctrlCommit (_forEachIndex*0.075) ; _ctrl ctrlSetText _x#0 ; _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonUp",_x#1] ; } forEach [ ["Distance",{ ctrlParent (_this#0) closeDisplay 0 ; _map = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ; _basePos = uiNamespace getVariable "PLP_MapTools_posReal" ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_distance_poses",[_basePos]] ; _EH = _map ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{ _map = _this#0 ; _basePos = uiNamespace getVariable "PLP_MapTools_posReal" ; _distTotal = 0 ; _zooms = ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Grid")) ; _curZoom = ctrlMapScale _map ; _zoom = call { { if ( abs getNumber (_x >> "zoomMax") > _curZoom ) exitWith { abs getNumber (_x >> "stepX") } ; } forEach _zooms ; } ; #define poses (uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_distance_poses",[]]) { _currentPos = _x ; _currentPos resize 2 ; _curPos = (if (_forEachIndex != count poses-1) then { poses#(_forEachIndex+1) } else { _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition }) ; _curPos resize 2 ; _dir = _currentPos getDir _curPos ; _dist = (_curPos distance2D _currentPos) ; _distTotal = _distTotal + _dist ; _map drawEllipse [ _currentPos,_dist,_dist,0,[0,0,0,0.5],"" ] ; _map drawLine [ _currentPos,_curPos,[0,0,0,1] ] ; for "_i" from 0 to _distTotal step _zoom/10 do { if (_i > (_distTotal - _dist)) then { _pos = vectorLinearConversion [ (_distTotal - _dist),_distTotal,_i,_currentPos+[0],_curPos+[0] ] ; _leng = 50 ; if (_i mod (_zoom/2) == 0) then {_leng = 100} ; if (_i mod (_zoom*10) == 0) then {_leng = 200} ; _lastPos = [ _pos#0 + (sin (_dir+90)*_curZoom*_leng), _pos#1 + (cos (_dir+90)*_curZoom*_leng) ] ; _map drawLine [ _pos,_lastPos,[0,0,0,1] ] ; if (_i != 0 and _i mod (_zoom/1) == 0) then { _map drawEllipse [ _currentPos,_i-(_distTotal - _dist),_i-(_distTotal - _dist),0,[1,0,0,([0.25,1] select (_i mod (_zoom*10) == 0))],"" ] ; _map drawIcon [ "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)",[1,1,1,1],_lastPos,0,0,0,str _i + " m",2,([0.04,0.06] select (_i mod (_zoom*10) == 0)),"PuristaMedium","center" ] ; } ; } ; } ; } forEach (uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_distance_poses",[]]) ; _mPos = getMousePosition ; _mPos set [0,_mPos#0 - pixelW * 15] ;//getTextWidth _mPos set [1,_mPos#1 - pixelH * 15] ; _drawPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld _mPos ; _map drawIcon [ "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)",[1,1,1,1],_drawPos,0,0,0,(_distTotal toFixed 2) + " m",2,0.08,"PuristaMedium","left" ] ; _mPos set [1,_mPos#1 + pixelH * 20] ; _drawPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld _mPos ; _map drawIcon [ "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)",[1,1,1,1],_drawPos,0,0,0,"Left Click to add point, Right Click to leave",2,0.06,"PuristaMedium","left" ] ; }] ; _EHs = (uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",[]]) ; _EHs pushBack _EH ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",_EHs] ; }], ["Compass",{ ctrlParent (_this#0) closeDisplay 0 ; _map = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ; _EH = _map ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{ _map = _this#0 ; _basePos = uiNamespace getVariable "PLP_MapTools_posReal" ; _curPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition ; _dir = _basePos getDir _curPos ; _mPos = getMousePosition ; _mPos set [0,_mPos#0 - pixelW * 15] ;//getTextWidth _mPos set [1,_mPos#1 - pixelH * 15] ; _drawPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld _mPos ; _curZoom = ctrlMapScale _map ; _dist = (_curPos distance2D _basePos) ; _map drawEllipse [ _basePos,_dist,_dist,0,[0,0,0,1],"" ] ; _map drawEllipse [ _basePos,_dist+_curZoom*150,_dist+_curZoom*150,0,[0,0,0,1],"" ] ; _map drawLine [ _basePos,[_curPos#0 + ((sin _dir)*_curZoom*150),_curPos#1 + ((cos _dir)*_curZoom*150)],[1,0,0,1] ] ; _map drawLine [ [_basePos#0 + _dist,_basePos#1],[_basePos#0 - _dist,_basePos#1],[0,0,0,0.5] ] ; _map drawLine [ [_basePos#0,_basePos#1 + _dist],[_basePos#0,_basePos#1 - _dist],[0,0,0,0.5] ] ; _map drawIcon [ "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)",[1,1,1,1],_drawPos,0,0,0,(_dir toFixed 2) + " ("+ (switch round (_dir/45) do { //Mils added here case 1: {"NE"}; case 2: {"E"}; case 3: {"SE"}; case 4: {"S"}; case 5: {"SW"}; case 6: {"W"}; case 7: {"NW"}; default {"N"}; }) + ") / " + (_dir * 6400 / 360 toFixed -1) + " mil",2,0.08,"PuristaMedium","left" ] ; _mPos set [0,_mPos#0 - pixelW * 15] ; _mPos set [1,_mPos#1 + pixelH * 20] ; _drawPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld _mPos ; _map drawIcon [ "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)",[1,1,1,1],_drawPos,0,0,0,"Right Click to leave",2,0.06,"PuristaMedium","left" ] ; for "_i" from 0 to 360-2 step 2 do { _pos = [ _basePos#0 + sin (_i) * _dist, _basePos#1 + cos (_i) * _dist ] ; _leng = 50 ; if (_i mod 10 == 0) then {_leng = 100} ; if (_i mod 90 == 0) then {_leng = 200} ; _pos2 = [ _pos#0 - sin (_i) * _curZoom * _leng, _pos#1 - cos (_i) * _curZoom * _leng ] ; _map drawLine [ _pos2,_pos,[0,0,0,1] ] ; if (_i mod 10 == 0) then { if (_i mod 90 != 0 and (_dist/_curZoom) < 2250) exitWith {} ; _map drawIcon [ "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)",[1,1,1,1],_pos2,0,0,0,str _i,2,([0.04,0.06] select (_i mod 90 == 0)),"PuristaMedium","center" ] ; } ; } ; for "_i" from 0 to 360-(360/6400*20) step (360/6400*20) do { _pos = [ _basePos#0 + sin (_i) * (_dist+_curZoom*150), _basePos#1 + cos (_i) * (_dist+_curZoom*150) ] ; _leng = 50 ; if (_i mod ((360/6400*20)*10) == 0) then {_leng = 100} ; if (_i mod ((360/6400*20)*40) == 0) then {_leng = 150} ; _pos2 = [ _pos#0 - sin (_i) * _curZoom * _leng, _pos#1 - cos (_i) * _curZoom * _leng ] ; _map drawLine [ _pos2,_pos,[0,0,0,1] ] ; if (_i mod (360/6400*400) == 0) then { if ((_dist/_curZoom) < 2250) exitWith {} ; _map drawIcon [ "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)",[1,1,1,1],_pos,0,0,0,str (_i * 6400 / 360),2,0.04,"PuristaMedium","center" ] ; } ; } ; }] ; _EHs = (uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",[]]) ; _EHs pushBack _EH ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",_EHs] ; }], ["Height",{ ctrlParent (_this#0) closeDisplay 0 ; _map = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_curPos",nil] ; #define GraphFullX (safeZoneX+safeZoneW*0.1) #define GraphFullW (safeZoneW*0.8) #define GraphFullY (safeZoneY+safeZoneH*0.6) #define GraphFullH (safeZoneH*0.3) #define GraphInnerX (GraphFullX+pixelW*15) #define GraphInnerW (GraphFullW-pixelW*30) #define GraphInnerY (GraphFullY+pixelH*15) #define GraphInnerH (GraphFullH-pixelH*30) _EH = _map ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{ _map = _this#0 ; _basePos = uiNamespace getVariable "PLP_MapTools_posReal" ; _curPos = uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_curPos",_map ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition] ; _curPos resize 2 ; _dir = _basePos getDir _curPos ; _map drawLine [ _basePos,_curPos,[0,0,0,1] ] ; _curZoom = ctrlMapScale _map ; for "_i" from 0 to 10 do { _pos = vectorLinearConversion [ 0,10,_i,_basePos+[0],_curPos+[0] ] ; _leng = 50 ; if (_i mod 5 == 0) then {_leng = 100} ; _map drawLine [ [_pos#0 + sin (_dir+90)*_curZoom*_leng,_pos#1 + cos (_dir+90)*_curZoom*_leng,0], [_pos#0 + sin (_dir-90)*_curZoom*_leng,_pos#1 + cos (_dir-90)*_curZoom*_leng,0], [0,0,0,1] ] ; } ; _mPos = [getMousePosition#0 - (pixelH * 10),getMousePosition#1 + (pixelH * 10)] ; _drawPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld _mPos ; _map drawIcon [ "#(rgb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,0)",[1,1,1,1],_drawPos,0,0,0,["Left Click to confirm, Right Click to leave","Right Click to leave"] select !isNil {uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_curPos",nil]}, 2,0.06,"PuristaMedium","left" ] ; if ( !isNil {uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_curPos",nil]} and getMousePosition#0 > GraphInnerX and getMousePosition#0 < (GraphInnerX+GraphInnerW) and getMousePosition#1 > GraphInnerY and getMousePosition#1 < (GraphInnerY+GraphInnerH) ) then { private "_pos" ; if (_basePos#0 < _curPos#0) then { _pos = vectorLinearConversion [GraphInnerX,(GraphInnerX+GraphInnerW),getMousePosition#0,_basePos+[0],_curPos+[0]] ; } else { _pos = vectorLinearConversion [GraphInnerX,(GraphInnerX+GraphInnerW),getMousePosition#0,_curPos+[0],_basePos+[0]] ; } ; _ctrl = ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 10001) ; _ctrl ctrlSetPositionX (getMousePosition#0) ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; _ctrl ctrlShow true ; _ctrl = ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 10002) ; (uiNamespace getVariable "PLP_MapTools_Height_MinMax") params ["_min","_max"] ; _ctrl ctrlSetPositionY linearConversion [_max,_min,getTerrainHeightASL _pos,GraphInnerY+pixelH*15,GraphInnerY+GraphInnerH-pixelH*30] ; _ctrl ctrlSetText ((getTerrainHeightASL _pos) toFixed 2) + " m" ; _ctrl ctrlShow true ; _ctrl ctrlSetPositionX ([((getMousePosition#0) + pixelW * 15),(GraphInnerX+GraphInnerW - ctrlTextWidth _ctrl)] select (GraphInnerX + GraphInnerW - ctrlTextWidth _ctrl < (getMousePosition#0))) ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; _map drawIcon [ "a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\SquadRadar\SquadRadarOtherGroupUnit_ca.paa",[1,0,0,1],_pos,25,25,0,((getTerrainHeightASL _pos) toFixed 2) + " m",2,0.05,"PuristaMedium","left" ] ; } else { ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 10001) ctrlShow false ; ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 10002) ctrlShow false ; } ; }] ; _EHs = (uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",[]]) ; _EHs pushBack _EH ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_EHs",_EHs] ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_mode",true] ; }], ["Search Grid",{ _map = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ; _disp = ctrlParent (_this#0) ; { if (ctrlIDC _x != 999) then { ctrlDelete _x ; } ; } forEach allControls _disp ; _pos = (uiNamespace getVariable "PLP_MapTools_pos") ; _ctrl = _disp ctrlCreate ["RscBackground",-1] ; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition (_pos + [0.3,0.1]) ; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5] ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; _pos set [0,_pos#0 + 0.01] ; _pos set [1,_pos#1 + 0.01] ; _ctrl = _disp ctrlCreate ["RscEdit",1] ; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition (_pos + [0.13,0.08]) ; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5] ; _ctrl ctrlSetFontHeight 0.07 ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; _pos set [0,_pos#0 + 0.14] ; _ctrl = _disp ctrlCreate ["RscEdit",2] ; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition (_pos + [0.13,0.08]) ; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5] ; _ctrl ctrlSetFontHeight 0.07 ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; _pos set [0,_pos#0 - 0.15] ; _pos set [1,_pos#1 + 0.105] ; _ctrl = _disp ctrlCreate ["RscButton",3] ; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition (_pos + [0.3,0.05]) ; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5] ; _ctrl ctrlSetFontHeight 0.07 ; _ctrl ctrlSetText "Find" ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick",{ _disp = ctrlParent (_this#0) ; _map = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ; _cfgGrid = configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Grid" ; _offsetX = getNumber (_cfgGrid >> "offsetX") ; _offsetY = getNumber (_cfgGrid >> "offsetY") ; _xx = ctrlText (_disp displayCtrl 1) ; _yy = ctrlText (_disp displayCtrl 2) ; if (_xx == "") then {_xx = "0"} ; if (_yy == "") then {_yy = "0"} ; _zooms = ("true" configClasses _cfgGrid) ; _posX = _offsetX ; _posY = worldSize - _offsetY ; _zoomLevel = 0.0001 ; _count = ((count _zooms)-1) - ((count _xx)-1) ; for "_i" from ((count _zooms)-1) to _count max 0 step -1 do { _currentZoom = (_zooms#_i) ; _posX = _posX + ((parseNumber (_xx select [((count _zooms)-1)-_i,1])) * getNumber ( _currentZoom >> "stepX" )) ; if (_i == _count) then { _posX = _posX + (getNumber (_currentZoom >> "stepX")/2) ; _zoomLevel = _zoomLevel max ((getNumber (_currentZoom >> "stepX")/2)*0.0003) ; } ; } ; _count = ((count _zooms)-1) - ((count _yy)-1) ; for "_i" from ((count _zooms)-1) to _count max 0 step -1 do { _currentZoom = (_zooms#_i) ; _posY = _posY - ((parseNumber (_yy select [((count _zooms)-1)-_i,1])) * getNumber ( _currentZoom >> "stepY" )) ; if (_i == _count) then { _posY = _posY - (getNumber (_currentZoom >> "stepY")/2) ; _zoomLevel = _zoomLevel max ((getNumber (_currentZoom >> "stepY")/2)*0.0003) ; } ; } ; _map ctrlMapAnimAdd [1,_zoomLevel min getNumber ((_zooms#(count _zooms-2)) >> "zoomMax"),[_posX,_posY]] ; ctrlMapAnimCommit _map ; _disp closeDisplay 0 ; }] ; _map = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ; }] ] ; } ; } else { _poses = poses ; _poses pushBack (_map ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition) ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_distance_poses",_poses] ; if (isNil {uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_curPos",nil]} and uiNamespace getVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_mode",false]) then { uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_curPos",(_map ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition)] ; _disp = findDisplay 12 ; _graphCtrls = [] ; { if (ctrlIDC _x in [20001,20002]) then {_x ctrlShow true} ; } forEach allControls _disp ; #define SepScale 100 _return = [] ; _min = 9999 ; _max = -9999 ; _curPos = (_map ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition) ; _curPos resize 2 ; for "_i" from 0 to SepScale do { _pos = vectorLinearConversion [ 0,SepScale,_i,(uiNamespace getVariable "PLP_MapTools_posReal")+[0],_curPos+[0] ] ; _height = getTerrainHeightASL _pos ; _min = _min min _height ; _max = _max max _height ; _return pushBack _i ; _return pushBack _height ; } ; _graph = [[0,SepScale,_min,_max,SepScale+1,0]] + _return ; uiNamespace setVariable ["PLP_MapTools_Height_MinMax",[_min,_max]] ; if (_min < 0) then { _ctrl = _disp displayCtrl 20002 ; _ctrl ctrlSetPositionY linearConversion [_min,_max,0,GraphInnerY+GraphInnerH-pixelH*30,GraphInnerY+pixelH*15] ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; _ctrl ctrlShow true ; } else { (_disp displayCtrl 20002) ctrlShow false ; } ; _last = ((getGraphValues _graph)#0) ; if ((uiNamespace getVariable "PLP_MapTools_posReal")#0 > _curPos#0) then {reverse _last} ; { if (_forEachIndex != 0) then { _height1 = linearConversion [1,0,_last#(_forEachIndex-1),GraphInnerY+pixelH*15,GraphInnerY+GraphInnerH-pixelH*30] ; _height2 = linearConversion [1,0,_x,GraphInnerY+pixelH*15,GraphInnerY+GraphInnerH-pixelH*30] ; if (abs (_height1 - _height2) > (pixelH)) then { _ctrl = _disp displayCtrl (30000 + _forEachIndex) ; _ctrl ctrlSetPositionY _height1 ; _ctrl ctrlSetPositionH (_height2 - _height1) ; _ctrl ctrlShow true ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; } else { _ctrl = _disp displayCtrl (40000 + _forEachIndex) ; _ctrl ctrlSetPositionY _height1 ; _ctrl ctrlSetPositionH pixelH ; _ctrl ctrlShow true ; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0 ; } ; } ; } forEach (_last) ; } ; } ; }] ; } ; Thanks in advance. 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POLPOX 779 Posted October 16, 2023 A question from the author: why? Another question from the author: why not MapTools Remastered? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vadym Mazur 5 Posted October 16, 2023 2 hours ago, POLPOX said: A question from the author: why? Another question from the author: why not MapTools Remastered? Tried to contact you via Twitter. Already paid for your cup of coffee. I want to integrate it into the server so that users do not need to download add-ons from the workshop "Simple MapTools" more simple than "MapTools Remastered". This is quite enough for my server 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites