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Aircraft with no autobrakes

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Odyseus has overhauled the visual model of the O-1 Bird Dog for Unsung. Now I'm testing this and trying to update the configuration, but I run into a - probable - physX problem: The brakes are not applied when reducing engine thrust to 0 and hitting z and/or x. I checked with diagnostic exe and see that Thrust stays at 1 and Brake at 0. We have a custom wheelbrakes script in Unsung, and with that I can stop the plane, but this is quite a hack.

Here's a video that illustrates the problem in diagnostic exe: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3y5h0ymjrsyo1p8443d5g/a3-unsung-o1-brakes.mov?rlkey=ef6kpmomo9n1m5zazi7zpkbg2&dl=0


Class Wheels: 


		maxOmega = 2000;
		// brakeIdleSpeed = 5;
		driveOnComponent[] = {};

		class Wheels
			class wheel_3

				steering = 0; 
				side = "left";
				boneName = "wheel_3";
				center = "wheel_3_center";
				boundary = "wheel_3_bound";
				suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_3_center";
				tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_3_center";
				width = 0.18;
				mass = 15; // 15;
				MOI = 25; // 1; // 8;
				dampingRate = 0.4;
				dampingRateDamaged = 1;
				dampingRateDestroyed = 1000;
				maxBrakeTorque = 1500;
				maxHandBrakeTorque = 0;
				suspTravelDirection[] = {0,-1,0};
				maxCompression = 0.01;
				maxDroop = 0.01;
				sprungMass = 445; // 483.33;
				springStrength = 100000; // 10000; // 12083.25;
				springDamperRate = 25000; // 1600; // 2416.65; // 18000.5;
				longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity = 5000;
				latStiffX = 25;
				latStiffY = 180;
				frictionVsSlipGraph[] = {{0,1},{0.5,1},{1,1}};
			class wheel_1: wheel_3
				boneName = "wheel_1";
				center = "wheel_1_center";
				boundary = "wheel_1_bound";
				suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_center";
				tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_center";
				steering = 1; // TeTeT was 0; - based on Sabre's experience on an idea by reyhard
				width = 0.36; //0.72;
				mass = 15;
				sprungMass = 500;
				// sprungMass = 7500; // 241.66;
				// springStrength = 187500; // 12083;
				// springDamperRate = 30000; // 1708.79; // 18000.5;
			class wheel_2: wheel_1
				side = "right";
				boneName = "wheel_2";
				center = "wheel_2_center";
				boundary = "wheel_2_bound";
				suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_center";
				tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_center";


Any help welcome,



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Made some progress on this, the forward rolling was stopped, but it flips over the nose when landing. I had to move the geo lod CoG forward to stop the momentum. Now the next challenge will be to get a good landing characteristic once more.

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