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Viewing Loading Screen Texts LIVONIA/ENOCH

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I would like to view all the loading screen texts from the Arma 3 Contact DLC map, Livonia. In the game files, the map is called Enoch. I installed a .pbo manager specifically so that I can view the content within the Addons folder. The directory is as follows:

E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Enoch\Addons\map_enoch.pbo

Upon opening map_enoch.pbo and converting its config.bin into .cpp, I realised that the loading texts are stored in somewhat of a different format than specified on the https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Loading_Screens website. Whereas on the site, the configuration contains literal word-by-word descriptions, map_enoch's config.bin contains strings referring to each loading text as "$STR_A3_C_CfgWorlds_Enoch_LoadingText1", rather than providing an actual description. The strings literally just look like this:

			"$STR_A3_C_CfgWorlds_Enoch_LoadingText4", //the numbers go up to LoadingText37 but for the sake of this post, I am ending it here.

On the other hand, the community BI website shows that loadingTexts are written like this:

		// Loading texts displayed on the bottom of the loading screen (picked randomly)
		loadingTexts[] =
			"Area of Stratis is 19.3 square kilometers.",
			"Stratis is of volcanic origin, with many rocks and crevices.",
			"Kamino Firing Range uses remnants of the nearby old Kamino village as a target area."

I want to know where I can find the actual text defining "$STR_A3_C_CfgWorlds_Enoch_LoadingText1" and such as this is for a project I am working on.

Thanks guys.

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Try unpacking 'language_f_enoch.pbo' and then search the 'stringtable.xml' file for the strings you require.

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