Holdenman5000 0 Posted August 29, 2023 Im trying to repack a custom mod with arma 3 tools but im getting an error in line 14 for 'a' encountered instead of '='. The thing is that line 14 is blank... Im very new to modding and scripting and would appreciate it if someone could take a look and provide some feedback. Thanks! class CfgVehicles { class B_Plane_Fighter_01_F; // Base class for the Black Wasp class B_Plane_Fighter_01_StealthWasp : B_Plane_Fighter_01_F { scope = 2; // Set the scope to 2 to make the class accessible displayName = "Stealth Wasp"; // Display name radarTargetSize = 0.65; // Adjust these values as needed radarTargetSizeConc = 0.65; irTargetSize = 0.75; irTargetSizeConc = 0.75; // Laser Interception Script laserFiring = false; this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { params ["_missile", "_shooter", "_distance"]; // Check if the missile is targeting this vehicle if (vehicle _missile == _this) then { // Trigger laser firing sound _missile playSound3D "Explosion15"; // Calculate the distance between the missile and this vehicle _missileDistance = _missile distance _this; // Check if the missile is intercepted (distance threshold can be adjusted) if (_missileDistance < 100) then { // Trigger explosion particle effects _missile spawn { sleep 0.1; deleteVehicle _this; }; _this spawn { sleep 0.5; deleteVehicle _this; }; // Play explosion sound _this playSound3D "Explosion20"; // Apply any other gameplay effects // Reset laserFiring state laserFiring = false; }; }; }]; while {true} do { // Sleep for a short duration before checking again sleep 0.1; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted August 31, 2023 I know very little with regards to vehicle configs but your method of adding eventHandlers to your vehicle is breaking your config The "a" encountered instead of "=" is from the 'a' in addEventHandler this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { You'll need to add proper eventhandler subclasses and maybe even custom functions to get your code to work. Hopefully someone here will be able to correct your code for you as I have no clue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Holdenman5000 0 Posted September 12, 2023 Sorry for the late reply. I will go find the proper way to do this. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites