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Command for read artillery target position

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Is any chance to make command for report coordinates of point - clicked/set in artillery computer interface (coordinates are visibile on screen but is not way to get this data from interface to scripts for example), the assignedTarget is ok when you order AI to attack /shot on something but when you clicking on interface and for example want to have ballistic missile fired for coordinate is no way to get this data from computer interface, of course is possibile to use clicked position on map but why if this interface would be perfect for output this kind of data for outside scripting.

Missing also command like  "currentTtarget" for get actual target object or position from vehicle or man too for now is possibile only fast scan targets+aim target but int is not good for long distances due to much objects to check - which one is actual on aim.


PS why command onMapSingleClick notworking in artillery computer interface? from  other side  this commad can be used only once on client side so make it as replacement of artillery computer is not possibile in simple way.

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