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Limit Spawning UAV

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Hello. I'm trying to set up a way to spawn a Greyhawk on my server. I've added an object (phonebooth) with the addaction: this addAction["<t color='#ff9900'>Create Drone</t>", "drone.sqf"];


This is the drone script:

myUAV = createVehicle ["B_UAV_02_F", getPos player, [], 0,"FLY"];  
createVehicleCrew myUAV;

Now this works fine but what I want to do is limit the amount of drone spawns or have a timer player has to wait for before spawning another drone. How would I do this?


Thank you.

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This will require player to wait at least 60s between spawning drones.

if (!isNil "myUavLastSpawned" && {myUavLastSpawned > time - 60}) exitWith {
	hint "Try again later";

myUavLastSpawned = time;
myUAV = createVehicle ["B_UAV_02_F", getPos player, [], 0,"FLY"];  
createVehicleCrew myUAV;


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7 hours ago, _foley said:

This will require player to wait at least 60s between spawning drones.

if (!isNil "myUavLastSpawned" && {myUavLastSpawned > time - 60}) exitWith {
	hint "Try again later";

myUavLastSpawned = time;
myUAV = createVehicle ["B_UAV_02_F", getPos player, [], 0,"FLY"];  
createVehicleCrew myUAV;


This is perfect. Thank you very much.

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