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# VOTE vote list

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Can someone post a list of the vote commands here and the correct usage. Do you type UPPER CASE or lower case? Is there a space after the word vote. I know some are

# vote kick Bronco (never do this)

# vote missions

# vote confused.gif?


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...and additionally it would be fine to see all(?) the other # commands, maybe separated by admin and client commands.

e.g. the admin #shutdown

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#Vote Missions (this will turn on the missions this one will usually solve server lock ups)

#Vote Reassign (do this when there are players you want to allow into the game this one will usually solve server lock ups)

#Vote Restart (try not use this one much even more so if you want more ppl to join as this just resarts the last mission with only the players all ready in the game so it wont allow new players)

#Vote Kick Malboeuf (simple as pie)

Now it's very important that all plyers vote on the same things at the same time, if you'll voting reassign and some idiot votes Restart the server will stall for a long time

you have to vote fast as any New players joining restest the Vote, this can cause lock ups

if a player joins you'll all have to revote including the new guy

the est way to tell newbies how to do this is by cut and paste the following, just save it to a note pad and then copy (CNTR+C) and then head back into OFP, open up your chat screen and then paste with CNTRL+V

this way you don't have to type out an explanation on what to do

Every One Type "#Vote Missions" in the Chat bar!

Every One Type "#Vote Restart" in the Chat bar!

Every One Type "#Vote Kick PLAYERNAMEHERE" in the Chat bar!

Every One Type "#Vote Reassign" in the Chat bar!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Now it's very important that all plyers vote on the same things at the same time, if you'll voting reassign and some idiot votes Restart the server will stall for a long time

you have to vote fast as any New players joining restest the Vote, this can cause lock ups

<span id='postcolor'>

Note: when new player is connected, voting is not reset. The only thing that happens is that new player is considered in total player count, and therefore voting may not be passed - but it stays active. Voting are cleard only when admin is logged, when last player is disconnected or first player connected.

Can you provide more information about lock-ups you are you talking about? What lock-ups?

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Please dont tell me you're goping to try and argue with SUma Mal wink.gif

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the lock ups occur at different times, it's really to hard to say why it happens

this is hard to explain

some players will vote on two different things

they'll argue over what to use

this usually starts at the end of a mission in the debrief screen

Some will Vote Restart and then others will vote reasign, then every one will change thier minds and try and Vote Missions, even when we know every one as Voted it still does not swicth to the Missions Selection, this takes longer and longer it seams every next mission

Then combined with players crashing, some how I thing the Game still wants a loading player to vote, and now because we are al vote kicking the crashing player

after a few missions of this and countless attemps at different Votes the server eventually stops responding and we loose session

I do know it works really well when we decide what to do before any of us do it, but some times players enter different Votes at the same time to fast for us to decide, and with new players join every 30 seconds this really makes it hard to even vote

Thats why I think 1st in the server should have Kick rights and Mission selection, but leave the Vote kick in case the players want to kick the 1st in Admin

With that I really don't think we'll have much for problems, if you follow other new games like Red Faction you'll find it's open to cheats and big MP personality Fighting unlike OFP and most OFP players try Hard to get along in game (except Wisdom)

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WTF!?!? I thought we were dropping this yet I see 2 posts of you fukn with me, The above post was a joke, and I get along fine with everyone I play with, I've only had a problem with 2 people you and HairyPu$$y.

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