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How define new hit point ?

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I want creat a new Hit Point for my BMP3, I explain, that's for ERA version, I want make that : when any projectil (LAW, Roket, Shell, ...) hit ERA, BMP3 don't explode at first impact or second impact, but when BMP3 is hit on another place from BMP3 (back from hull, ...), he explode at first Impact.

So, If I take HitPoint from OFP config :

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

armor=400; // overall armor

armorStructural=2.0; // structural dammage

class HitEngine {armor=0.8;material=60;name=engine;passThrough=1;}

class HitHull {armor=1;material=50;name=hull;passThrough=1;};

class HitTurret {armor=0.8;material=51;name=turet;passThrough=1;};

class HitGun {armor=0.6;material=52;name=gun;passThrough=1;};

class HitLTrack {armor=0.6;material=53;name=pasL;passThrough=1;};

class HitRTrack {armor=0.6;material=54;name=pasP;passThrough=1;};

class HitERA {armor=??;material=50;name=era;passThrough=1;};



armorGun=0.6; // hitpoints (relative to overall armor)





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How can I understand this values ?

If I want add my ERA (named HitPoint "era" in p3d, LOD HitPoint), how I make ?


Sorry for my English...


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class HitEngine {armor=0.8;material=60;name=engine;passThrough=1;}

class HitHull {armor=1;material=50;name=hull;passThrough=1;};

class HitTurret {armor=0.8;material=51;name=turet;passThrough=1;};

class HitGun {armor=0.6;material=52;name=gun;passThrough=1;};

class HitLTrack {armor=0.6;material=53;name=pasL;passThrough=1;};

class HitRTrack {armor=0.6;material=54;name=pasP;passThrough=1;};

class HitERA {armor=??;material=50;name=era;passThrough=1;};

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material = xx this is a value that is given to the selected mesh in o2 (select the turret, press 'e' and notice that its has number 51) as far as i know these values are free for you to add, so make the ERA 58 or such.

the name= value is the selection name in hitpoints LOD.

you could try making an outer shell covering the normal 'hull' and call that 'ERA' in hitpoint lod.

hope that helped

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but... which valu put in "armor" ?

I don't understand... if 1 is maxium ? we can put more ?


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Well, armor = 400

that's what the T72 has for its armour value. if you put,

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">class HitERA {armor=??;material=50;name=era;passThrough=1;}; <span id='postcolor'>

1.0 in the armor section there, then that means 400.

There are a few things here. One is that if the round hits that location and exceeds the base value (400) even just on that location, then it will destroy the tank. If however, you put, say .5 and the missile did 220 points, it would destroy that location and not the rest of the tank. . .

as I understand it, if it says passthrough=1, and the round destroys the ERA, then it will 'passthrough' to apply damage to the turret.

Personally, I take armor=400 to mean 400mm RHA (the standard military notation for armour thickness) thich is exactly what the T72M1 has in real life. So, since the values for this (weapons and armour) are available for pretty much every vehicle in the world, this is a good baseline to use to know what to put.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> ... I want creat a new Hit Point ... <span id='postcolor'>

I am afraid this is not possible. You can use only existing hitpoint names.

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ok... sad.gif thanks for info Suma.

Add possibility to add new HitPoint in a next patch wink.gif if it's possible.


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Ah well. . ..

I suspected that, which is why I hadn't tried it yet.

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