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Lambs Waypoint bugged.

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I have a particular issue with LAMBs AI task Garrison, it seems to be bugged. I did a few tests/ debugging to verify if there's actually an issue and here's what I found. For typical waypoints, once the A.I reaches the waypoint destination it's marked as complete and deletes itself. However, for LAMBS it:
- Never deletes itself. I created an sqf file counting the number of waypoints for the squad leader and it never changed even after he and his squad successfully garrisoned.
- Counts itself as complete before the destination is reached. As soon as the A.I starts to move, the waypoint's On Activation code is executed which is a mistake.

My issue is that I'm trying to get the AI to do something after they garrison. I've attempted the following methods to get around these issues but nothing seems to work. I used triggers with various conditions count ( waypoints squad_leader 1 ), speed squad_leader1 == 0, waitUntil {unitReady squad_leader1}. I also tried a combination of all 3 along with triggers and custom made variables (bool variables that are set to false and become true when the condition is satisfied) but nothing seems to work.

Can anyone suggest ideas to solve this particular issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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