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Connectivity issues

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Today, the connectivity to the servers is horrible. My average ping is 50-60 ms, but today it is 140 up to 999 with a constant message 'Connectivity issue'. I tested ping and speedtest - all good. Is there something going on with the Vigor servers?


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I believe this is being caused by the increase of players over the last few weeks. I’m also assuming most of these players are not from the USA and you may not be either. My point is this company doesn’t have great servers and if your internet isn’t upwards of 100mps you are definitely going to experience issues with players from other countries.

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Well, I am in the US and my Internet connection is 400 mbps, and my Xbox is hardwired. The points it's exactly server issue. Only Vigor gets laggy, other games do not. 

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Sounds like you have your answer. The game has terrible servers, always has and probably always will 🤷‍♂️

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Turn on your connection feedback in your settings so we can see what’s going on in the future when this happens. (I’m not sure exactly what it is called but you should be able to find what I’m referring to) I have had the same issue, not often though. Generally I get the feeling somebody has a lag switch or is manipulating the server in some way

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Here is another video with the same glitch. I am struggling to select weapon from inventory. As it can be seen on the video, whenever I select my weapon, nothing happens. It started at the beginnig of the match and I spent like 20 minutes running away from people, because I could not fight back.😒


This is redicilous, seriously....

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Hi there, @Valkuran thank you for the reports. Could you please turn on Network Stats in the Options menu while in your Shelter? It will help us see how your latency is looking while you are experiencing these strange incidents - it will thus help with our investigations. 🙏

We also heard from other Outlanders that vaulting over an object, using a gesture, or jumping in and out of water could help you properly select a weapon or consumable from your inventory - we recommend giving it a go as a quick fix while we work on it behind the scenes 💪

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Here is another video I captured. https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApQ0gafxZlbd0FM2Hc5xvOcMIAMQ?e=fAibh4

As always, once you start recording, everything gets back to normal. The glitch was about a minute long. I tried to loot the cabinet in the house and got stuck there for about a minute. I could not move until I started recording. The video shows significant outgoing traffic loss.

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