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vest hidden with uniform's hideProxySelections

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I couldn't find anything related to my issue on official wiki and Discord server wasn't helpful at all, so I hope here my question will be answered.


Situation: I am making a config patch for a mod to fix unclear naming convention and add more vest variants. Every vest class has a following config entry:


and then some uniforms classes have this entry:


As of now, there is a single vest with three corresponding uniform classes: without hidden proxies, one proxy and two proxies hidden. 


In my opinion it a bit annoying that you need to adjust your uniform to a vest instead of a vest adjusted to uniforms.

Goal: I want to rewrite the config so there are three types of a single vest with different proxies hidden.


How do I hide these selections within vest classname config, instead of using uniform classnames? Do i just copypaste the hideProxySelections entry from uniform to vest? I know that these selections are not hiddenSelections as there is only one hidden selections and proxySelections are two.


Please let me know if this is unclear, I'm trying my best to explain stuff I don't really understand. 😄

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I still haven't figured it out.

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