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red oct

How do i DO these two simple things

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i cant figure out how to simply get a soldier to sit! heres what i tried typing in the unit int:

unitOne setBehaviour"SAFE"unitOne switchMove"standandsitdown"


unitONe setBehaviour"SAFE"

unitOne playMove "standandsitdown"

or i would just type one of the comands into the int in the unit menu and then just make a waypoint and set him in safe mod, non of ideas worked, what am i doing wrong here?

second trouble: how do i get a U.S. and a Russian flag on flag pole? heres what i typed: set FlagSide east and

set FlagTexture "usa_vlajka.pac" for the U.S one for the soviet set FlagTexture "russia_vlajka.pac"

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for the flag thing

enter following at init field of the flag

this setflagtexture "usa_vlajka.pac"

if you want to get a flag on it at a later

time (by waypoint,script or trigger activation)

name the flag and type the name of your

flag instead of "this"

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thanx but now how do u get the russian flag hanging? i typed russia instead of usa but i get a error message at the start of the game saying russia flag texture not found?

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US flag = usa_vlajka.pac

Soviet flag = rus_vlajka.pac

Red Cross flag = vlajka_hosp_plus.paa

Rebell flag = guba_vlajka.pac


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unitOne setBehaviour"SAFE"unitOne switchMove"standandsitdown"


did you use the ";" btw your 2 different

commands? if not then do

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well the flag issue is solved but, im still having no luch w/ the making a troop sitdown, (i hope im not annoying you with my endless failures) but i put ; in so now in the unit int box it goes something like this:

unitone setbehaviour"safe"; unitone switchmove "sitdown"


playmove "sitdown"

non works, do i need to put a triger? if soo how do you do this cuzz im clueless with this editing sad.gif

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so just to clarify, this is what i would put in unit int box

all together

unitone setbehaviour"safe";unitone "effectstandsitdown"

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Nope (I'm amazed I'm the first person to be able to help... must be starting to understand!!).

It should be (in init field)

this setbehaviour "SAFE"; this switchmove "effectstandsitdown"

If you are doing it in the editor then just submit the unit name for this I think. You can also use playmove to make them animate it rather than just go straight to it...

Think that should work... if not feel free to hurl abuse!


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