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(FIXED) Getting all groups from specific faction in CfgGroups

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I have a script here that completely works by itself standalone.



_inheritGroup = 
	private _factionName = "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd";
	private _factionGroups = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> _factionName);
	private _groupNames = [];

		private _factionClass = configName _x;
		private _allGroups = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> _factionName >> _factionClass);
		private _placeholderArray = [];

		for "_i" from 0 to (count _allGroups - 1) do {
			private _groupName = configName (_allGroups select _i);
			_placeholderArray pushBack _groupName;

		_groupNames pushBack [_factionClass, _placeholderArray];

	} forEach _factionGroups;

// Debug
copyToClipboard str ([] call _inheritGroup);









However, when implemented into my scripts that takes in the currently selected faction from a GUI, it completely breaks down.




Gather all groups from each faction

private _SIZ_fn_inheritGroup = 
	private _factionName = (_this select 0);
	private _side = (_this select 1);
	private _groupNames = [];

	switch(_side) do 
		case 0: {_side = "East"};
		case 1: {_side = "West"};
		case 2: {_side = "Indep"};
	private _factionGroups = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> _side >> _factionName);
		private _factionClass = configName _x;
		private _allGroups = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> _side >> _factionName >> _factionClass);
		private _placeholderArray = [];

		for "_i" from 0 to (count _allGroups - 1) do 
			private _groupName = configName (_allGroups select _i);
			_placeholderArray pushBack _groupName;

		_groupNames pushBack [_factionClass, _placeholderArray];

	} forEach _factionGroups;

private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2105;
private _index = lbCurSel _ctrl;
private _factionName = _ctrl lbData _index;
_INDEP_GroupsArray = [_factionName, 2] call _SIZ_fn_inheritGroup;

private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2106;
private _index = lbCurSel _ctrl;
private _factionName = _ctrl lbData _index;
_OPFOR_GroupsArray = [_factionName, 0] call _SIZ_fn_inheritGroup;

private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2107;
private _index = lbCurSel _ctrl;
private _factionName = _ctrl lbData _index;
_BLUFOR_GroupsArray = [_factionName, 1] call _SIZ_fn_inheritGroup;


// Debug
copyToClipboard str 



Output (currently)


// Output


As you can see, for some reason it doesn't fill out the array.


Here are my other files (GUI files):



class MenuScreen 
    idd = 0001;
    onKeyDown = "if ((_this select 1) isEqualTo 1) then {false};";

    class controls
        class SettingsStart: RscButton
            idc = 1600;
            text = "START"; 
            style = ST_CENTER;
            font = "PuristaBold";
            x = 0.849453 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.934 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.152578 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.07 * safezoneH;
            sizeEx = 0.05 * safezoneH;
            colorBackground[] = 
            colorBackgroundActive[] = 
            action = "execVM 'escape_script\menu\confirm_settings.sqf'";
        class SettingsFrame: RscPicture
            text = "images\background.paa";
            idc = 1800;
            x = 0.849453 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = -0.00399977 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.152578 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.938 * safezoneH;
            //colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.5};
        class RandomArt_Title: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1100;
            text = "Random Artillery"; 
            x = 0.854375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.234 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.142734 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.042 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            tooltip = "Enable random artillery around the player(s).";
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaLight";
                color = "#ffffff";
                colorLink = "#D09B43";
                shadow = 1;
                size = 1;
        class RandomArtilleryComboBox: RscCombo
            idc = 2100;
            x = 0.859297 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.276 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.132891 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
            colorBackground[] = 
        class BetterSoundsTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1103;
            text = "Better Sounds"; 
            x = 0.854375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.318 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.147656 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.042 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            tooltip = "Add in extra HUD sound elements that increase immersion.";
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaLight";
                color = "#ffffff";
                colorLink = "#D09B43";
                shadow = 1;
                size = 1;
        class BetterSoundsCheckBox: RscCheckbox
            idc = 2800;
            x = 0.9725 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.318 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.0196875 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
        class AmbientCombatTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1104;
            text = "Ambient Combat Sounds"; 
            x = 0.854375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.388 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.147656 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.042 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            tooltip = "Enable random explosions and firefights around the player(s) that are not real.";
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaLight";
                color = "#ffffff";
                colorLink = "#D09B43";
                shadow = 1;
                size = 1;
        class AmbientCombatCheckBox: RscCheckbox
            idc = 2801;
            x = 0.9725 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.388 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.0196875 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
        class RandomTimesTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1105;
            text = "Time"; 
            x = 0.854375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.458 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.147656 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.042 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            tooltip = "Choose a time for the scenario to start with.";
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaLight";
                color = "#ffffff";
                colorLink = "#D09B43";
                shadow = 1;
                size = 1;
        class RandomTimesComboBox: RscCombo
            idc = 2101;
            x = 0.928204 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.458 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.0639844 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
            colorBackground[] = 
        class RandomWeatherTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1106;
            text = "Weather"; 
            x = 0.854375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.528 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.147656 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.042 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            tooltip = "Choose a weather for the scenario to start with.";
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaLight";
                color = "#ffffff";
                colorLink = "#D09B43";
                shadow = 1;
                size = 1;
        class RandomWeatherComboBox: RscCombo
            idc = 2102;
            x = 0.928204 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.528 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.0639844 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
            colorBackground[] = 
        class DifficultyTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1107;
            text = "Difficulty"; 
            x = 0.854375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.598 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.147656 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.042 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            tooltip = "Choose a difficulty.";
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaLight";
                color = "#ffffff";
                colorLink = "#D09B43";
                shadow = 1;
                size = 1;
        class DifficultyComboBox: RscCombo
            idc = 2103;
            x = 0.928204 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.598 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.0639844 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            colorBackground[] = 
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
        class ChooseGroupComboBox: RscCombo
            idc = 2104;
            x = 0.89375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.766 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.0639844 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
        class GroupChooseTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1101;
            text = "Select your group"; 
            x = 0.854375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.71 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.142734 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.042 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaLight";
                color = "#ffffff";
                align = "center";
                valign = "middle";
                shadow = false;
                shadowColor = "#000000";
                size = "1";
        class MenuTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1108;
            text = "SETTINGS"; 
            x = 0.854375 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.15 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.142734 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.07 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaBold";
                color = "#ffffff";
                align = "center";
                valign = "middle";
                shadow = false;
                shadowColor = "#000000";
                size = "2";
        class OPFORComboBox: RscCombo
            idc = 2106;
            x = 0.209609 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.29 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.1575 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
            colorBackground[] = 
        class INDEPComboBox: RscCombo
            idc = 2105;
            x = 0.632891 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.29 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.1575 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
            colorBackground[] = 
        class BLUFORComboBox: RscCombo
            idc = 2107;
            x = 0.42125 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.234 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.1575 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.028 * safezoneH;
            class ComboScrollBar
                color[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
                colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
                style = ST_MULTI + ST_NO_RECT;
                thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa";
                arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
                arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa";
                border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa";
                shadow = 0;
                scrollSpeed = 0.06;
                width = 0;
                height = 0;
                autoScrollEnabled = 0;
                autoScrollSpeed = -1;
                autoScrollDelay = 5;
                autoScrollRewind = 0;
            colorBackground[] = 
        class OPFORTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1102;
            text = "OPFOR GROUP"; 
            x = 0.209609 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.22 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.1575 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.07 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            tooltip = "Choose a East faction.";
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaBold";
                color = "#ff0000";
                align = "center";
                valign = "middle";
                shadow = false;
                shadowColor = "#000000";
                size = "1.5";
        class BLUFORTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1109;
            text = "BLUFOR GROUP"; 
            x = 0.42125 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.164 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.1575 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.07 * safezoneH;
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            tooltip = "Choose a West faction.";
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaBold";
                color = "#00ffff";
                align = "center";
                valign = "middle";
                shadow = false;
                shadowColor = "#000000";
                size = "1.5";
        class INDEPTitle: RscStructuredText
            idc = 1110;
            text = "INDEP GROUP"; 
            x = 0.632891 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
            y = 0.22 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
            w = 0.1575 * safezoneW;
            h = 0.07 * safezoneH;
            colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
            colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
            tooltip = "Choose a Independent faction.";
            class Attributes
                font = "PuristaBold";
                color = "#00ff00";
                align = "center";
                valign = "middle";
                shadow = false;
                shadowColor = "#000000";
                size = "1.5";



And here is my second file:


// Create camera
_cam = "camera" camCreate (getPosATL arrow_cam_1);
_cam cameraEffect ["internal", "back"];
_cam camSetTarget arrow_cam_2;
_cam setDir 0;
_cam camSetFov 0.7;
_cam camSetFocus [-1,-1];
_cam camCommit 0;
waitUntil{camCommitted _cam};

createDialog "MenuScreen";

private _arrayRandomTimes =
	["Day", "Start at random day times."],
	["Night", "Start at random night times."],
	["Random", "Start at any random time."]

private _arrayRandomWeather =
	["Rain", "Weather is rain only."],
	["Foggy", "Weather is foggy only."],
	["Windy", "Weather is windy only."],
	["Random", "Weather occurs randomly."]

private _arrayRandomArt =
	0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30

private _arrayDifficulty =
	["Easy", "AI are dumb."],
	["Normal", "AI have default settings."],
	["Veteran", "AI are terminators."]

private _arrayGroups =
	["BLUFOR", "West faction."],
	["OPFOR", "East faction."],
	["INDEP", "Guerilla faction."]

private _allFactionClasses = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgFactionClasses");
private _allOPFOR = [];
private _allBLUFOR = [];
private _allINDEP = [];

	private _factionName = configName _x;
	private _side = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> _factionName >> "side");
	private _displayName = getText (configFile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> _factionName >> "displayName");
	private _icon = getText (configFile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> _factionName >> "icon");

	if(_displayName != "") then 
		switch(_side) do 
			case 0: { _allOPFOR pushBack [_displayName, _icon, _factionName]; };
			case 1: { _allBLUFOR pushBack [_displayName, _icon, _factionName]; };
			case 2: { _allINDEP pushBack [_displayName, _icon, _factionName]; };
} forEach _allFactionClasses;

private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2800;
_ctrl cbSetChecked true;
private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2801;
_ctrl cbSetChecked true;

	private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2105;
	private _index = _ctrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
	_ctrl lbSetPicture [_index, (_x select 1)];
	_ctrl lbSetData [_index, (_x select 2)];
	_ctrl lbSetColor [_index, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
} forEach _allINDEP;

	private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2106;
	private _index = _ctrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
	_ctrl lbSetPicture [_index, (_x select 1)];
	_ctrl lbSetData [_index, (_x select 2)];
	_ctrl lbSetColor [_index, [1, 0, 0, 1]];
} forEach _allOPFOR;

	private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2107;
	private _index = _ctrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
	_ctrl lbSetPicture [_index, (_x select 1)];
	_ctrl lbSetData [_index, (_x select 2)];
	_ctrl lbSetColor [_index, [0, 1, 1, 1]];
} forEach _allBLUFOR; 

	private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2100;
	if(_x > 0) then {
		private _index = _ctrl lbAdd str _x + " minutes";
		lbSetTooltip [2100, _index, "Artillery occurs every " + str _x + " minutes."];
	} else {
		private _index = _ctrl lbAdd "No artillery";
		lbSetTooltip [2100, _index, "Random artillery is disabled"];
} forEach _arrayRandomArt;

	private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2101;
	private _index = _ctrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
	lbSetTooltip [2101, _index, (_x select 1)];
} forEach _arrayRandomTimes;

	private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2102;
	private _index = _ctrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
	lbSetTooltip [2102, _index, (_x select 1)];
} forEach _arrayRandomWeather;

	private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2103;
	private _index = _ctrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
	lbSetTooltip [2103, _index, (_x select 1)];
} forEach _arrayDifficulty;

	private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2104;
	private _index = _ctrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
	lbSetTooltip [2104, _index, (_x select 1)];
	switch((_x select 0)) do 
		case "BLUFOR": { lbSetColor [2104, _index, [0,1,1,1]]; }; 
		case "OPFOR": { lbSetColor [2104, _index, [1,0,0,1]]; }; 
		case "INDEP": { lbSetColor [2104, _index, [0,1,0,1]]; }; 
} forEach _arrayGroups;

lbSetCurSel [2105, 0];
lbSetCurSel [2106, 0];
lbSetCurSel [2107, 0];
lbSetCurSel [2100, 2];
lbSetCurSel [2101, 2];
lbSetCurSel [2102, 3];
lbSetCurSel [2103, 1];
lbSetCurSel [2104, 0];

private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2800;
_ctrl ctrlSetChecked true;
private _ctrl = (findDisplay 0001) displayCtrl 2801;
_ctrl ctrlSetChecked true;

_cam cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
camDestroy _cam;


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by sizraide

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I have to comment that some specific factions would actually work and the arrays would be filled out, but on other occassions it would be empty.

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I fixed it guys. If anyone wants to use this script for whatever purpose to gather all groups of factions and place them under each seperate category. Here it is:



private _side = "West"; // Test side
private _findFaction = "USA (SOCOM)"; // Test name
private _returnArray = []; // Return

private _allGroups = "getText (_x >> 'name') == _findFaction" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> _side);
private _factionName = configName (_allGroups select 0);

// Gather all types of factions under _findFaction 
private _allFactionGroups = []; 
	_allFactionGroups pushBack (configName _x); 
} forEach ("true" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> _side >> _factionName));

for "_i" from 0 to (count _allFactionGroups) - 1 do 
	// Get all groups under type of faction
	private _allGroupsUnderFaction = []; 
	private _selectedFaction = (_allFactionGroups select _i);
		_allGroupsUnderFaction pushBack (configName _x); 
	} forEach ("true" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> _side >> _factionName >> _selectedFaction));

	_returnArray pushBack [_selectedFaction, _allGroupsUnderFaction]; 

hint str _returnArray;
copyToClipboard str _returnArray;



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