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SOG Prairie Fire Eldest Son Cant find depot

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Can anyone who knows this mission well mark or tell me where the possible depot locations are? I must just not be the right person for this mission because I literally cannot find it if it doesnt spawn in the main camp. I feel like im aimlessly walking around and I have no clue where to even look. Ive tried to google the locations but all I can find are comments here and that give hints but Ive literally walked all ove the area as ive attempted this mission 9+ times and Ive only ever found the depot at the main camp marked on the map with a question mark. People have said its in the other towns or roads that branch off the roads, I did mission last  night where I systematically checked every one and no depot was found. I really want to complete this missing but its getting to the point where Im getting mad just thinking about trying to play it again and knowing im getting just end up aimlessly walking around again. Does anyone definitively know the depot spawn locations so I can finally just finish this mission and never play it again?


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Youd be more successful joining sogpf discord as there are 5000 players there who chat daily.


the first mission is a recon mission so there is no objective marker on the depot location deliberately. The briefing clearly says to follow the main trail north and check for depots on either side of it. Some map markers for towers and rocks may give clues too. It’s all about reading the briefing carefully and studying the area and then searching it methodically. That is the role if recon teams.

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