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(SOLVED) Carrier Respawn Help

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Hey, hoping someone can help me out here.


I've been trying to make a simple mostly zeus mission for some friends for our dedicated server, but have been having trouble getting respawns to work properly. 

Basics are that it's on Cam Lao Nam, I've set the Jets dlc carrier out and have set it up with player spawn points, vehicles and vehicle respawns and all that stuff. Trying to test things I noticed that respawns haven't been working, so I've spent the better part of the day trying to figure out.

Looking online I've found some things that I thought would help, but none have so far.


Things I've tried: 


1) created a description.ext with the respawn = 3 and respawn = base (works only with setting up a marker but it drops me into the water on the server on respawn. Respawn module does not work at all)

2) found someone who had the same problem and their solution was to add this script to a init.sqf: 

           respawn_west_carrier setMarkerPos [getMarkerPos respawn_west_carrier select 0, getMarkerPos respawn_west_carrier select 1, 96.290];            (did not work, values such as the respawn point name and number at the end changed to my needs. Tried with the normal respawn_west as well, but still does not work)

3) Found a workaround that involved spawning an object and using a BIS_fnc. script I tried in the objects init inside the editor: 

           [target, this, "spawn point name"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;

and    if (isServer) then { [BLUFOR, getPosATL this, "My West Respawn"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; deleteVehicle this; } (did not work for me)


All I want is to be able to let players respawn on the carrier where they spawn in at the start of the game. Normally I'd just ignore this and set up a respawn point on the ground that they can unlock once they get to it, but some of the guys on the server have mentioned loving the idea of being a carrier based pilot so I really want to get this working for them so they can actually get back on the carrier when they get shot down.


Notes: I am extremely dumb when it comes to scripting and am quite new to creating missions for arma. It's for SOG Prairie Fire. There are no major mods involved. Mods included are Acre and the SOG addon, Advanced Movement and Rework, Rappelling and Urban Rappelling, CBA, and the C47 Skytrain Mega Pack (if any of this needs to be known. And finally I know the description.ext for the respawn works as it sets my respawn to the carrier, but in the water inside it. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I am at my wits end here.





Ended up making a marker, giving that marker the variable name respawn_west


then added this bit of script to my init.sqf: 


_mrkr = getMarkerPos "respawn_west";
"respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal [_mrkr select 0, _mrkr select 1, 25];


That seems to have fixed it.

Edited by thoodhun

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Hello @thoodhun, welcome to the forums 🙂

I entered "carrier respawn" into the forums search function (and checked "ALL search terms"). This was the third result:

Good luck !

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Thanks for the reply @Melody_Mike


I found that post a few hours ago and tried everything there, and still no fix. The respawn module does not work on my dedicated server at all for some reason. Testing it in MP through Eden it worked fine. As soon as I pack it into a pbo with the description.ext, it's like there's no longer a respawn position module. 

  • Sad 1

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Okay, I admit I am being very lazy by posting other people's stuff instead of testing solutions myself. But have you tried:


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Just got it to work! Thanks for the help, but it turned out to be something else.

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