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Suspending not allowed with WBK Animations

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At the moment I'm struggling of executing multiple animations from various WBK mods, for the sole purpose of cinematography. I've managed to have it working fine up until now, where the _main variable from the 'XEH_preinit.sqf' files for the different animation does not animate at all, and instead receiving the "Suspending not allowed in this context" error.

The way I've done was going into the XEH_preinit files, finding the animation function that I wanted, place down 2 entities and giving them the 'main' and 'victim' variables. Then after cleaning up any comments made in the function, I change the _main=... and _victim=... to both the 'main' and 'victim' variables, so that when given to other people via composition, they can easily change the entities to the ones they want. Finally, I use the debug console ingame to execute the animation similar to that of WBK presenting some of his animations on his discord. 

After a little searching online, it somehow doesn't like the sleep commands within the animation functions, but again I've managed to do this prior to encountering this error. I've tried both in a scheduled and unscheduled environment, along with testing with both other entities and animations, with none succeeding thus far.  No differences to the modlist I was using either, so I'm a bit stumped on how this issue even began or how to resolve it. 


Nevermind, I'm extremely stupid with all caps. Forgot to encaspulate all of it in '[]spawn { };'

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