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Condition to Return Number of Specific Items / Gear in a Group

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I've been working the last few days on a shop GUI for an upcoming mission - this allows the player to upgrade AI squads with better equipment, weapons etc.

I'm trying to figure out a condition that would count the number of NVGoggles in a specific group (since the GUI enables the player to reinforce groups), I need a dynamic pricing - so first I need to count the number of existing nvgoggles within the group. What condition script would return the total number of NVGoggles in the inventory of units in a specific group.

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2 hours ago, frankie86ph said:

. What condition script would return the total number of NVGoggles in the inventory of units in a specific group.


A condition returns a boolean (FALSE or TRUE), not a number.
Number of NVGoogles in a specific group:
- for most of the cases (when mods/DLCs are smart for naming NVG with "goggles" in class names!):

{"goggles" in toLowerANSI str assignedItems _x} count units yourGroup;


- unfortunately, there is no will for standardization in DLCs/mods in Arma and the authors do what they want with names, categories, factions...

example: NVGs in CSLA Iron Curtain can be:   "CSLA_nokto" class....

So, the above code doesn't work here, but you can mount an array with all possible classes in your scenario:

private _NVGArray = ["CSLA_nokto","O_NVGoggles_grn_F",....];
{_NVGArray findAny assignedItems _x >-1} count units yourGroup;


- Last general method (without array of NVGs but slower):

{assignedItems _x findIf {getNumber (configFile / "cfgWeapons" / _x / "type") == 4096} >-1} count units yourGroup;


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