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Addaction for multiple action

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I have an addaction script. If i put

fill_water_truck_1 = old_man_water_tank addAction ["Fill up truck with water", {water_truck_1_water_level = 5000}]; it work fine

fill_water_truck_1 = old_man_water_tank addAction ["Fill up truck with water", {playSound "Fountain"}]; it work fine


but if i try to have bot action in the same script it give me an error message and only play the sound

fill_water_truck_1 = old_man_water_tank addAction ["Fill up truck with water", {water_truck_1_water_level = 5000 and playSound "Fountain"}]


What am I doing wrong?



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"and" is a logical operator, which makes no sense here. If you want to run multiple expressions in your code block, you must separate them with semi-colons.

fill_water_truck_1 = old_man_water_tank addAction ["Fill up truck with water", {water_truck_1_water_level = 5000; playSound "Fountain"}];


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It doesn't work it gave me a error message saying ; is missing.

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Should work fine, but it looks like we've picked up a corrupt/invisible character in our code. This is clean, give it a try:

fill_water_truck_1 = old_man_water_tank addAction ["Fill up truck with water", {water_truck_1_water_level = 5000; playSound "Fountain"}];


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It did work this time!

I erase everything before punting the new code maybe it help.



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