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o Tali o

A.I or T-800 Terminators ?

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Is it normal to be spotted by the A.I while being camouflaged in foliage / undergrowth / structures (...) and to take one shots in lethal fire at 300 meters, shooter in motion ?


Are we playing against T-800 Terminators or against A.I simulating normal soldiers?  


"If I don't see my target, my target doesn't see me".  


But maybe the A.I are equipped with thermal optics, with flash detectors, sound and motion sensors ? Unless they have satellites ?


Thanks for making this game playable.  


You want to simulate it, so don't overdo the capabilities of an average soldier.


Vincent, Infantry Lieutenant in real life. 

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The AI has been been pretty much scratched from the Arma AI and they're building it from the ground up as far as I can tell. This is a good thing but at their current state you could call them totally rudimentary.  Getting AI spotting right is a very difficult thing to do in gaming as most games only deal with CQB exclusively, that is they only need to feel realistic in a very short and limited engagement. So when you have a CoD AI, or FarCry or BF, they program their AI (if you can call it that they are so overwhelmingly scripted) their reactions only need to seem realistic in a 100m or less radius. An AI that feels realistic as far as spotting when engagements can take place up to 700m or more as well as in a city's urban landscape is very hard to get right on both ends.

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