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Weapons from addWeapon do not have gunfire audio on dedicated server

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Hi, I'm making a Op for my unit and we got this problem that guns added to AI with commands like addWeapon don't make any audio when used by the AI, and we don't know what the problem is. Other AIs on ther server that are placed have their weapons making sound, it's only the weapons from commands like addWeapon who don't make any audio. Is there anyone here who has come across something similar? 


if (!isServer) exitWith {};

guard_grp = createGroup resistance;

so01 = guard_grp createUnit ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F", getmarkerpos "garrisone_spawn_1", [], 1, "FORM"];
so02 = guard_grp createUnit ["I_G_Soldier_GL_F", getmarkerpos "garrisone_spawn_1", [], 1, "FORM"];
so03 = guard_grp createUnit ["I_G_Soldier_LAT_F", getmarkerpos "garrisone_spawn_1", [], 1, "FORM"];

{removeAllWeapons _x} forEach units guard_grp;
{removeAllItems _x} forEach units guard_grp;
{removeUniform _x} forEach units guard_grp;
{removeVest _x} forEach units guard_grp;
{removeHeadgear _x} forEach units guard_grp;

{_x forceAddUniform "rhs_uniform_bdu_erdl";} forEach units guard_grp;
{_x addHeadgear "rhs_6b28_green_ess";} forEach units guard_grp;
{_x addVest "rhsgref_TacVest_ERDL";} forEach units guard_grp;

so01 addMagazines ["UK3CB_FAMAS_25rnd_556x45_G",6];
so01 addMagazines ["rhs_mag_M441_HE",4];
so01 addWeapon "UK3CB_FAMAS_F1_GLM203";
so01 addBackpack  "UK3CB_UN_B_B_ASS";
so01 addItem "ItemRadio";
so01 assignItem "ItemRadio";
so01 addItem "ItemMap";
so01 assignItem "ItemMap";

so02 addMagazines ["UK3CB_FAMAS_25rnd_556x45_G",6];
so02 addMagazines ["rhs_mag_M441_HE",4];
so02 addWeapon "UK3CB_FAMAS_F1_GLM203";
so02 addBackpack  "UK3CB_UN_B_B_ASS";
so02 addItem "ItemRadio";
so02 assignItem "ItemRadio";
so02 addItem "ItemMap";
so02 assignItem "ItemMap";

so03 addMagazines ["UK3CB_ACR_30rnd_556x45_G",6];
so03 addWeapon "UK3CB_M16A1";
so03 addWeapon "rhs_weap_rpg26";
so03 addBackpack  "B_AssaultPack_khk";
so03 addItem "ItemRadio";
so03 assignItem "ItemRadio";
so03 addItem "ItemMap";
so03 assignItem "ItemMap";

_wpt1 = guard_grp addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "garrisone_spawn_1",5];    
_wpt1 setWaypointType "Move"; 

_wpt2 = guard_grp addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "SW_Main_Waypoint_1",5];    
_wpt2 setWaypointType "SAD"; 
_wpt3 = guard_grp addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "SW_Main_Waypoint_1",5];    
_wpt3 setWaypointType "Guard";


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Welcome on forum.
My first question (I guess you tried with vanilla weapons), will be : are you sure they are firing? Imho, using createUnit like this and working without any delay may let them in civilian side. I took the habit for making them joinSilent their group (once again). I often saw the side issue in scenario with the createUnit command (example 6, but not only when changing side!).

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