Buddski 1 Posted October 8, 2022 I am struggling to push messages from scripts into the logs as a part of troubleshooting. Specifically I want to trigger a log entry when a trigger is tripped. For one of my triggers I can see the impact of trigger, ie a team is spawned so i know the trigger is working correctly for that one. But I have another trigger that is not doing anything yet. I want to send an entry to the log when the trigger is activated. I have tried by adding a script directly to the trigger prefab. I have tried OnActivate, OnInit and EOnTouch with the resulting format as follows: class StPhilTrigger_Class: NO_SCR_SpawnTrigger { override void EOnTouch(IEntity owner, IEntity other, int touchTypesMask) { Print("StPhillipe Reinforcements trigger has been touched"); } override void OnActivate(IEntity ent) { Print("StPhillipe Reinforcements trigger has been activated"); } override void OnInit(IEntity owner) { Print("StPhillipe Reinforcements trigger has been initialised"); } }; None of these lines result in anything pushing into the logs...at initiation, on entry to the trigger area etc. I have other triggers that are not working so i want to be able to force the messages to log to "trap" the events. This was straight forward for Arma3 but cant crack it for Reforger. Any hints on where I am going wrong please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pescadorr 1 Posted October 29, 2022 In a script that I found on the internet it shows this code: Print("Faction Manager not found!!", LogLevel.ERROR); I guess you would have to change the log level to the one you want. The log is LogLevel.NORMAL I hope it works for you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites