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CfgMovesFatigue and Arma 3 Stamina

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I have a question According to the BIS Wiki, you should also be able to change the stamina for each class.

Can someone tell me how to do this?

I could only change this for all classes so far.



This class is defined in base soldier class so all soldiers in vanilla game have the same Stamina behavior. However it can be defined for each soldier class separately if desired.



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Change the first 2 lines with your required class.

Be aware, I have NOT tested it, and I don't think this will work the way you're expecting it to.

class Land;
class Man: Land
	staminaDuration = 60;
	staminaCooldown = 10;
	staminaRestoration = 30;
	aimPrecisionSpeedCoef = 5;
	terrainDrainSprint = -1;
	terrainDrainRun = -1;
	terrainSpeedCoef = 0.89999998;


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Did this work?
I can't be arsed to test it out.

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