lukinator96 33 Posted September 21, 2022 Download Link Steam Requeirments: CUP Units CUP Vehicles CUP Weapons Contact DLC Apex DLC In 2007 after a decade a corrupted and weak democratic regime of Russia is tested with a new ultranationalist movement. Backed up with foreign weaponry, vehicles and special forces Loyalist forces are raging war against combined Nationalist and Communist guerillas. Based on COD4 classic faction of russian goverment loyalist forces. They do wear blue uniforms and equiped with black western gear combined with some russian iconic headgear and weapons. -Zeus compatible -Randomized headgear -Loyalist SF and regular inf. To do: -Ultranationalist forces. -Western intervention forces. -Russian abrams. Spoiler 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites