RS30002 28 Posted July 17, 2022 trying to make a mission leveraging the "newly found" spawn composition "skills". Namely, lone bro, traveling around Stratis incognito, making himself accommodations and deploying loitering drones/munitions to harass the military bases that are all occupied on the island. Tent is interactive, you can put stuff in, skip time/heal, it has a toggleable light 😂 Already have the spawn + task scripts for the bases. (still have to figure out the despawning after player leaves but aight) A lot is going good but am having some problems....namely the tests deploying the drone have not been 100%. After spawning the drone, i can see it in the drone select screen drop down menu for only a second. After that it disappears. Anyy suggestions are greatly appreciated! 🍻 uav_1 = createVehicle ["B_UAV_01_F", screen_1 modelToWorld [0,100,200], [], 0, "FLY"]; createVehicleCrew uav_1; uav_1 lockCameraTo [screen_1, [0]]; uav_1 flyInHeight 200; _wp = group uav_1 addWaypoint [position screen_1, 0]; _wp setWaypointType "LOITER"; _wp setWaypointLoiterType "CIRCLE_L"; _wp setWaypointLoiterRadius 50; cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; cam1 cameraEffect ["Internal", "BACK", "uavrtt_1"]; cam1 attachTo [uav_1, [0,0,0], "PiP0_pos"]; cam1 camSetFov 0.2; "uavrtt_1" setPiPEffect [0]; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _dir = (uav_1 selectionPosition "PiP0_pos") vectorFromTo (uav_1 selectionPosition "PiP0_dir"); cam1 setVectorDirAndUp [ _dir, _dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1), _dir select 0, 0] ]; }]; [screen_1,[0,"#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(uavrtt_1,1.0)"]] remoteExec ['setObjectTextureGlobal',0,screen_1]; sleep 2; screen_1 addAction [ "Open UAV Terminal", { params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; _caller linkItem "B_UavTerminal"; waitUntil{ "B_UavTerminal" in assignedItems _caller}; _caller action ["UAVTerminalOpen", _caller]; waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 160}; if !(isNil "uav_PVC_EH") then{ removeMissionEventHandler ["PlayerViewChanged", uav_PVC_EH]; }; uav_PVC_EH = addMissionEventHandler ["PlayerViewChanged", { params ["_oldUnit", "_newUnit", "_vehicleIn", "_oldCameraOn", "_newCameraOn", "_uav"]; [] spawn{ findDisplay 160 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", " params ['_ctrl', '_dikCode', '_shift', '_ctrlKey', '_alt']; if (_dikCode in (actionKeys 'hideMap') || _dikCode in (actionKeys 'ingamePause')) then{ player connectTerminalToUAV objNull; player unlinkItem 'B_UavTerminal'; removeMissionEventHandler ['PlayerViewChanged', uav_PVC_EH]; }; "]; }; }]; findDisplay 160 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", " params ['_ctrl', '_dikCode', '_shift', '_ctrlKey', '_alt']; if (_dikCode in (actionKeys 'hideMap') || _dikCode in (actionKeys 'ingamePause')) then{ player connectTerminalToUAV objNull; player unlinkItem 'B_UavTerminal'; if !(isNil 'uav_PVC_EH') then{ removeMissionEventHandler ['PlayerViewChanged', uav_PVC_EH]; }; }; "]; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "true", 2, false, "", "" ]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites