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Assets 'explode' upon entity-ification. Some bones have a mind of their own.

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Hello everyone!  I'm trying to figure out some issues with Enfusion engine.

Here's the model


Here's the export settings


It even imports just fine...


But upon converting it to an entity, It does this weird thing where the hammer juts out.

And shooting it explodes the gun...

So any help would be great.  This isn't even my model.  But the problem is applicable to everyone so here I am making this post 😛

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You are most likely using already existing animations which have different bone position than your weapon. At least weapon part of animations have to be made from scratch in order to have working animations (this also applies to other types of assets which are using .anm files to animate, like vehicles). Other, completely not recommended, option is to match skeleton of the weapon to the skeleton of weapon you are trying to take animations from. This will most likely fail since fire selector or trigger bone (which is used also as axis) will be at different location.

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