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Arma 3 - BF2 People's Liberation Army

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-CUP Weapons
-CUP Units
-CUP Vehicles
-Cold War Rearmed 3

What's inside:
-PLA faction stylized with BF2 fashion.
-Type 87 and Tibet uniforms for PLA troops and SF.
-Infantry mostly utilize Type 56-2, AKs, while designited roles and SF do use QBZ carbines and rifles from VME PLA mod.
-Retextured VME PLA vehicle(I've added camo and tried making the visuals as better as I've could) from original game pool and some more.
-Zeus compatible.

Known issues:
-VME PLA dependancy is big, but a lot of it's vehicles are used, also weapons.
-No fixed wing aircraft for the moment, since I've found none from game pool.
-No divers, boats and uavs/ugvs for the moment.
-PLA units mostly do not have armor vests, except for ones with tactical vest. That's my vision of things.
-No groups. Would be included in next update.
-There is Tibet uniform, thou no desert units faction/classes for the moment.
-There maybe be config errors.

Future plans:
-Fixed wing aircraft.
-Potentially do my own wz551. There is a model, but need huge help with configs and model.cfg.
-Desert faction or units at least.

All rights belong to their rightful owners.
Install and use at your own risk, I am not responsible for any problem you can encounter. Distriputed under APL-SA, so now monetization, no reuploads, all rights belong to their rightfull owners.

-EA for game that rocked for ages, and still rocks right now.
-Hcpookie for cool VME PLA mod which do have a lot of stuff in it.
-S&S team for bdu's and lbv's which quality is just amazing.
-Lemonium for type 87 camo template, it is really outstanding.
-CUP team for their mod.
-Bohemia for an amazing platform to play with.





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