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VR TARGETS (battlezone/obstacles)

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_coverBlocks = ["Land_VR_CoverObject_","Land_VR_Block_"] ;

[_coverBlocks] execVM "Types\WAVE\Type_LZ_WP_GP\vrTargets.sqf";

params ["_coverBlocks"] ;

_passItOn = _coverBlocks;
_countOfThings = count _passItOn ;

hint("ok 5");
sleep 6;
for [{ _q = 0 }, { _q < _countOfThings }, { _q = _q + 1 }] do 
	_gats = [] ; 
	_gats =  "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" ) ; 
	_countEnt = count _gats ; 
	_dogs = [] ; 

	_scan = _passItOn select _q ;

	_type = _scan ; 
	for [{ _p = 0 }, { _p < _countEnt  }, { _p = _p + 1 }] do 
		_foolu = _gats select _p ;  
		_strag = (str _foolu) ; 
		_donk = _strag find _scan  ; 
		 if(_donk != -1) then 
 		 	_dogs pushBack _foolu ; 
	_countDogs = count _dogs ;  
	_passers = []  ; 
	for [{ _p = 0 }, { _p < _countDogs }, { _p = _p + 1 }] do 
		_stol = _dogs select _p ; 
		_stool = (str _stol) ; 
		_donker = _stool find _type  ; 
		_newBoyC = count _stool ; 
		_countn = _newBoyC - (_donker) ; 
		_newBoy = _stool select [_donker,_countn ] ; 
		 _passers pushBack _newBoy ;  

	_countDogs = count _passers ;  

	_rackX = 32; 
	_rackY = 42; 

	rackBumpX = (8) ;
	rackBumpY = 8;
	randoz = 16 ;
	randozz = 2 ;
	halfdozz = 4 ;
	_racks = _rackX * _rackY ; 
	_coffer = 0;

	_markST = getPos coffin;

	whax =   0 ;     
	whay =   0 ;       
	whaz =   0 ;

	if(_q > 0) then

		_someBlock = 20 ;
		_pusX = (rackBumpX * _rackX ) ;
		_pusY = (rackBumpY * _rackY ) ;
		_pusX = floor (_pusX / _someBlock )  ;
		_pusY = floor (_pusY / _someBlock )  ;
		_pusX1 =floor ( _pusX / 2 ) ;
		_pusY1 =floor ( _pusY / 2 )  ;
		_rackX = _pusX1 ; 
		_rackY = _pusY1 ; 

		_someBlock = _someBlock * 2 ;
		_coffer = _someBlock ;
		rackBumpX = ( _someBlock ) ;
		rackBumpY = ( _someBlock ) ;
		randoz = _someBlock * 2 ;
	_bumper = 1 ; 


	_pushX = (rackBumpX * _rackX ) / 2;
	_pushY = (rackBumpY * _rackY ) / 2;
	whax = ( _markST select 0 )  ;
	whay = ( _markST select 1)  ;
	private _posOee = [(whax ),(whay ),(whaz)] ;	
	_markerG = createMarker ["battleZone", _posOee   ];
	_markerG setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
	_markerG setMarkerSize [ _pushY , _pushX ];

	hint("bombs away!") ;  
	sleep 2 ;

	_pushX = (rackBumpX * _rackX ) / 2;
	_pushY = (rackBumpY * _rackY ) / 2;
	whax = ( _markST select 0 ) - _pushY ;
	whay = ( _markST select 1) - _pushX ;
	whaz =   (-1) ;
	if(_q > 0) then
		whax = ( _markST select 0 ) - _pushY ;
		whay = ( _markST select 1) - _pushX ;
		whax = whax  + _coffer;
		whay = whay  + _coffer;
		whaz = (-12) ;
		randozz = 9 ;
		halfdozz = randozz / 2 ;

	halfX = rackBumpX / 2 ;
	halfY = rackBumpY / 2 ;
	whaLoc = whax ;
	whaLocY = whay ;
	whaLocZ = whaz ;
	halfDog =  2 ;

	for [{ _h = 0 }, { _h < _rackX }, { _h = _h + 1 }] do
		for [{ _j = 0 }, { _j < _rackY }, { _j = _j + 1 }] do

			ranX = random [1, halfX  , randoz ] ;
			ranY = random [1, halfY , randoz ];
			ranZ = random  randozz ;
			ranSel = random [ 0, halfDog , _countDogs] ;
			ranDir = random [0, 180, 359] ;
			ranSel = floor ranSel ;
			_inPart = _passers select ranSel ;
			_fun = (str _inPart) ;
			whacx = whax - ranX;
			whacy = whay - ranY;
			whacz = whaz + ranZ ;
			private _posNe = [(whacx),(whacy),(whacz)] ;
			private _blam = "block"+ (str _h) + (str _j) ; ; 
			_blam = createVehicle [_inPart,_posNe,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
			_blam setDir ranDir ;
			vecX = random 9 ;
			vecY = random 9 ;
			vecZ = random 9 ;	
			vecX = vecX / 10 ;
			vecY = vecY / 10 ;
			vecZ = vecZ / 10 ;
			_blam setVectorUp [vecX ,vecY ,vecZ ];
			whax =   whax + rackBumpX ;     
			whax = whaLoc ;
			whay = whay + rackBumpY ; 

hint ("OK") ;
sleep 4 ;


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