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Guitars/musical instruments

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Hey there BHI, I'd like to make a suggestion about DayZ and how it could possibly be a more immersive and great survival experience and that suggestion is.. musical instruments! Yes it's no game changer but, imagine you've just finished a supply run to Airfield and gotten into a gunfight, maybe even lost a few of your comrades with your buddies to come back to base, and sit down near the cackling campfire in the dark of night with acoustic guitar in hand, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. style while playing pre recorded music and you share stories and experiences with them, sounds immersive right? It'll be especially healthy for the Community and RP aspect of the game, maybe it'll bring strangers together as it'll be nice talking over a relaxing guitar fire instead of the awkward wind and crickets. Hey it might even bring in some new players to the DayZ experience as it breathes more life and polishing into the the game. Maybe it could be introduced into a hotfix or a small content update like the recent bizon/alarm clock update. Finally, the functionality, the way it works, always important right? I was thinking an mp3 file when the guitar/other instrument is played and the ability to switch between tracks with a button prompt with more tracks added along the roadmap, it allows more content to be added too which is always healthy. Thanks for reading as I've put some thought into the concept and idea, I absolutely love this game and I'm so excited to see what it can potentially be in the future, keep up the good work BHI and once again, Thanks for reading :))

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Hi buddy I think you have the wrong forum page here this is the vigor community thread 😂 now that said the idea of music in encounters would be a fun idea! But yeah wrong place haha 😂 

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Just came across this thread, and even though it's a year old, the idea is still as cool as ever. I love the thought of integrating musical instruments into DayZ to deepen the immersion and community engagement. A campfire jam session after a nail-biting gunfight would definitely add another layer to the RP aspect of the game.
While guitars are a classic choice, imagine adding more unique instruments to the mix. An Irish flute, for example, could give off a different, perhaps more haunting vibe, enriching the atmosphere further. They offer a fantastic range of choices that could fit a variety of in-game scenarios.

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