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I\'m pretty new at this!!

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I suppose this is a rather stupid question, but I can't find out how to place ammo creates. Of course I could use an ammo truck, but I'd rather like some creates.

Could anyone plz give a helping hand here.. Thanks..

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Under the Empty side there is Objects and under Objects is Ammo Crates and Ammo Crates II.

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How on earth could I have missed that one?? Anyhow, thanks a lot Damaga Inc..

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By the way, how can you decide what's in the ammo crate? For example if I want a LAW crate, how does that work?

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The ammo crates have a standard set of kit in them, if you want to alter this you can use the ADDWEAPONCARGO and ADDMAGAZINECARGO commands in the crates init field:-

this addweaponcargo ["M16",5] will add five M16's

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